Sixth Semester SL courses


Department of English & Languages


2021 – 2024 BATCH


Course code


Course type


Course Title

French - Semester VI

Teaching hours per week – Theory

 3 hours (3 credits)

Lab hours per week – Practical



3 + 0 = 3 credits


1.     Instructor-In-charge                              : Dr. Rebecca Vedavathy B. , M.A, Ph.D (French)

      Email ID                                                  :


2.     Syllabus

À PROPOS A2: Dossier 7, 8

3.     Course Details

Course Summary

      On completion of SEMESTER VI - FRENCH, you will be able to have the following competencies :

·      Narrate about a vacation in the past tenses.

·      Have an informal conversation while using colloquial French words.

·      Be able to write a note on the administrative system in France.

·      Be able to write a note about Francophonie

·      Be able to speak about the origin of the French language.

·      Be able to use adverbs in simple sentences.

·      Be able to explain relative pronouns qui, que, où and when to use them.

·      Be able to write complex sentences.

·      Be able to identify temporal markers in the past and complete an exercise based on them.

You will learn basic grammar related to all seven parts of speech :

·      Verbs (passé compose, imparfait)

·      Nouns (how to transform verbs into nouns)

·      Adjectives (how to convert adjectives into adverbs)

·      Adverbs (placement of adverbs in sentences)

·      Pronouns (relative pronouns que, qui, où)

You will learn vocabulary related to:

·      Administrative units in France

·      Common colloquial French terms

·      Common adverbs in French

·      Origin of different words

Course Outcomes

CO 1 : You will be able to read texts related to daily life and basic professional life aloud in French and answer questions about them.

CO 2 : You will be able to make and explain complex sentences with relative pronouns, conditional clauses and subjunctives.

CO 3 : You will be able to use present tense, simple past, continous past and future tense in the correct context with the help of temporal markers.

CO 4 : You will be able to understand and write short answers in a clear manner based on a comprehension passage.

CO 5 : You will be able to ask and answer basic questions related toprofessional trajectory, travels and vacation and TV shows.

CO 6 : You will be able to carry out a formal and informal basic conversation in French (written & oral)

CO 7 : You will be able to listen to conversations related to daily life and basic professional life in French and comprehend them when asked to answer specific questions related to them.

The course has been designed and prepared by an expert panel of Osmania University. It addresses  the needs of the students regarding the studies of Arabic language. It will help them to learn the language accurately through the lens of grammar.

The course has five units. 1) Classical Prose : In this unit there are two chapters from the Holy Qur’an. 2) Modern Prose : It has 2 lessons. 3) Modern Poetry : It has 2 poems. 4) Grammar : It has 4 chapters in grammar. 5) Arabic History : It has 3 chapters from the history of Arabic literature.

स्नातक पूर्व स्तरे प्रथम वर्षस्य   द्वितीय भाषा संस्कृतम् अस्ति I अस्मिन् संस्कृत भाषा , संस्कृत साहित्यम् वैदिकसाहित्यम्लौकिकसाहित्यम्पद्यगद्यरूपकव्याकरणादयः ज्ञातुं शक्नुवन्ते I अपि  संस्कृत पठनम्लेखनम्संभाषणम्  कवि -काल विशेषादयः ज्ञायन्ते I संस्कृतभाषायाः सर्वव्यापकत्वंअधुनातन काले कृत्रिम मस्तिष्केषु (कम्प्यूटर् यन्त्रेषु) तस्याः प्रयोगम् -प्रयोजनादीनि विषदयन्ति I अनुवादाभ्यासर्थं संस्कृतभाषा अति सुलभ भाषा भवति  I संस्कृत भाषा माध्यमेन संस्कृतिसंस्कारंभारतीय आचार व्यवहाराण इत्यादिरपिज्ञातुं शक्नुवन्ते |       

संस्कृतस्य उल्लिन्गनभवं आधुनिककाव्यनिसन्धाने अपि व्यापकं इति अवगन्तुं एव अस्मिन् विषयं स्वीकृतं I भारतस्य अनुसन्धान व्यावहारिक वयं सर्वे स्रव्य्मने चिन्ता  शकलानि एव अत्र परस्तुतं इति Iआधुनिक साहित्ये अपि संस्कृत भाषायाः व्यप्रितरीत्य अनुगमन्नेयं अलंकाराणां परिचयः च कवितायां उपयुज्यन्ते।  विजयसारधि विरचितं भारत भरती इति काव्यात् 20 श्लोकानि अत्र उल्लिखितम्I भारतस्य धार्मिक उत्तेजनं अस्मिन् भागेन लब्धुम् शक्यते पुनः भारतस्य श्रेष्ट अत्युन्न्तानाम् विशकलनेन छात्राः भारत पैतृकं अवगम्यते I