Course code |
2124FREN4BXY |
Course type |
Course Title |
French - Semester IV |
Teaching hours per week – Theory |
3 hours (3 credits) |
Lab hours per week – Practical |
0 |
Credits |
3 + 0 = 3 credits |
1. Instructor-In-charge : Dr. Rebecca Vedavathy B. , M.A, PhD (French)
Email ID :
2. Course Details
3. Course Summary
On completion of SEMESTER VI - FRENCH, you will be able to have the following conversations:
· Opening a bank account in France
· Choosing and deciding to buy a gift for a friend
· Robbery that you witnessed
You will learn basic vocabulary related to:
● Materials that objects are made of
● Colours and shapes
● Parts of computer, newspaper, letter
● Shopping culture
● Banking culture
You will learn basic grammar:
● Verbs in passé récent, présent progressif, futur proche, futur simple (si + pré + futur simple)
● Adjectives and their placement
● Pronoun « en » , les compléments d’objet direct et les compléments d’objet indirect
● Les comparatifs (plus, moins, aussi, autant, bon, bien, mieux, meilleur)
● Les superlatifs (le plus, le moins, le meilleur)
● La négation au passé (ne…rien, ne…plus, ne…personne, ne…jamais)
Course Outcomes
CO 1 : You will be able to use vocabulary related to shopping and banking in French
CO 2 : You will be able able to understand, speak & write about a theft
CO 3 : You will be able to describe daily objects (their shape, colour, form and material) and compare them
CO 4 : You will be able to use vocabulary related to media (computer, television, newspaper) in French
4. Syllabus
À PROPOS A2 : Dossier 2 & 3
5. Textbook
- À propos A2, Dossier 2 & 3
5. Lecture Plan:
Unit |
Session No. |
Topics to be covered |
Teaching Methodology |
Expected Outcome |
Dossier 2 |
1, 2 |
Introductory Class (Revision) Instructions for the semester Theory Exam Viva-Voce |
Collaborative learning through role play |
Student will be able to: a) How to describe daily objects and their materials b) How to contextualize a conversation in the present continuous tense c) How to use comparisons to speak about objects d) You will also be able to use the superlative to talk about the best |
Practice for viva-voce (self-introduction Q & A) |
Inquiry-based approach + lecture |
3, 4, |
Pg. 18 |
Inquiry-based approach + lecture |
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Ex : 2, Pg. 19 |
Collaborative learning through role play |
WB: Ex: 31, 33 |
5 |
Le pronom « en » |
Inquiry-based approach + lecture |
WB: Ex: 34, 35 |
6, 7 |
Qu’est-ce qu’ils disent ? Pg. 21, Ex : 6
Lecture method |
Les matériaux – le vocabulaire (notes) WB : Ex : 38 |
8, 9, 10, 11 |
Revision of passé récent Venir + de / venir WB : Ex : 45 |
Inquiry based learning |
Revision of futur proche |
Présent continu |
Using passé récent, présent continu and futur proche together in context |
WB : Ex : 41, 42, 44 |
12 |
L’emplacement des adjectifs |
Collaborative learning through role play |
WB : Ex : 39, 40, 54 |
13, 14 |
Les comparatifs avec les adjectifs et les noms Plus (de), moins (de), autant (de), aussi |
Inquiry-based method + Lecture method |
WB: Ex: 46, 47 |
15 |
Les comparatifs « bon » ou « bien », « mieux » ou « meilleur » |
Inquiry-based method + Lecture method |
WB : Ex : 48, 49 |
16, 17 |
Les superlatifs « le plus » « le moins » « le meilleur » « la meilleure » etc. |
Inquiry-based method + Lecture method |
WB : Ex : 55, 56, 57 |
18 |
Comment le dire ? - Demander des précisions - Faire une réclamation - Demander des informations |
Collaborative learning |
19, 20, 21 |
Jeux de rôles - Vous voulez ouvrir un compte à la banque. Pour demander des renseignements au banquier, utilisez les notes ci-contre. Pour jouer le banquier utilisez la feuille de procédure. - À deux vous allez dans une boutique choisir un cadeau d’anniversaire pour un ami commun. Vous n’arrivez pas à vous mettre d’accord. Argumentez et essayez de persuader votre ami. |
Collaborative learning through role play |
22 |
Le savez-vous ? - Parlons d’argent - Habillez-vous malin - Le e-commerce - Attention contrefaçon WB : Ex : 51, 61 |
Collaborative learning |
23 |
Les échanges Pg. 22 Faisons le point Pg. 28 |
Collaborative discussion |
Session 1 – 23 by QUIZ mode |
Dossier 3 |
24 |
Introduction to Dossier 8 & Pêle-mêle
Pg. 30 |
Inquiry-based approach + lecture |
Students will be able to: a) Speak about basic computer functions and parts of a computer b) Make a hypothesis statement using (si + pré + futur simple) c) Use object pronouns to speak about events |
WB: Ex: 67, 68 |
25 |
Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Pg. 31, Ex : 1 |
Lecture method |
Qu’est-ce qu’ils disent ? Ex : 4 |
E-notes + inquiry-based learning |
27, 28 |
Le futur simple (si + pré + futur simple) |
inquiry-based learning |
WB : Ex : 72, 73, 74 |
29 |
Les parties de l’ordinateur
WB : Ex : 75, 76, 78, 79 |
30 |
Les parties du journal et de l’émission
WB : Ex : 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93 |
31 |
La négation au passé Ne…pas, ne…personne, ne…plus, ne…jamais, ne…rien |
Collaborative learning through role play |
WB : Ex : 81, 82, 83 |
32, 33 |
COD vs COI |
Lecture method + Collaborative learning |
WB : Ex : 88, 89 |
34 |
Comment le dire ? - Engager/terminer une conversation - Interroger sur un événement - Annoncer une nouvelle |
Collaborative learning |
35, 36 |
Jeux de rôles - Vous avez été témoin du vol raconté dans l’article ci-dessous. Vous rapportez cette histoire à un ami qui vous pose des questions (qui, quand, où, comment, pourquoi ?) - Vous êtes l’inventeur du robot ci-contre. Un journaliste vous interroge pour savoir à quoi il servira, comment on l’utilisera, en quoi il changera la vie quotidienne. Utilisez le futur. |
Collaborative learning |
37 |
Le savez-vous ? - Les Français et la presse - Les Français et Internet - Impertinence - La télévision des Français |
Collaborative learning |
38 |
Les échanges Pg. 94 Faisons le point Pg. 100 |
Collaborative learning |
Assignment: Jeux de rôles |
From Session 24 to 38 by QUIZ mode |
39 |
La préparation orale |
Collaborative Learning |
40 |
La préparation orale |
Collaborative Learning |
41 |
Model Question Paper Solving
Lecture method |
42 |
Model Question Paper Solving |
Inquiry-based approach |
Total |
42 hrs |
42 hrs |
7. Evaluation Scheme
As per Osmania University regulations (Compulsory)
Component |
Remarks |
Individual Assignment(5M) |
Video Presentation to be sent on Google Classroom |
2 Continuous Internal Assessment (15M each) |
Objective & short answer type - closed book written test |
End Term Exam (80M) |
Closed book written test |
8. Credit System
Teaching hours per week – Theory |
3 hours ( 3 credits) |
Lab hours per week – Practical |
0 |
Credits |
3 + 0 = 3 credits |
9. For Student Evaluation
Component |
Remarks |
2 Quizzes (10M each) 1 Quiz before 1 Internal 1 Quiz before 2 Internal |
● Closed book written test ● 20 Questions = 20 Marks ● The question would be in multiple-choice QUIZ mode ● Student is required to complete the QUIZ in the given time on Google Forms |
Academic Interaction |
Evaluated by the instructor after the first Internal Test & at end of the semester |
Pre-final (80M) |
Closed book written test of model QP |
Dear Students,
Welcome to SIXTH semester French. We will be
studying from the textbook À propos - A2 and working
out the grammar from the Activity Book. Our aim will be to
complete Dossier 7, Dossier 8. We will be learning to use
vocabulary in contexts of French geography, history, adminstration, tourism and
I hope you are as excited to learn French this
semester as I am to teach you these new and interesting things along with an
introduction to the culture and civilization of France.
As I have mentioned in class:
1) Participation in class (ask
questions, clear doubts, communicate, engage!)
2) Punctuality to class and
with assignments (based on co-constructed deadlines)
3) Preparation for class
(revise, revise, revise!)
1) Dishonesty in general. I
will always try and understand if you tell me the truth.
2) Disrespect of not only the
teacher, but also peers and classroom agreements.
1) Ask questions (lots of them)
2) Be open-minded (you're
learning not just a new language but also a new culture)
3) Take French outside the
classroom (don't restrict yourself to learning rules and grammar but
think of it as an opportunity)
Bonne chance for the coming semester!
Bien cordialement,
Dr. Rebecca Vedavathy B.
भाग : - II भाषा प्रयोजनम्
स्नातक पूर्व स्तरे द्वितीयवर्
पाठ्यक्रम विवरण:
स्नातक पूर्व स्तरे द्वितीयवर्षस्य सं
पाठ्यक्रम निष्कर्षः :-----
नूतनविषयावगाहण , नूतनशब्दार्थाः, व्याकरणज्ञानम् , व्याकरणं प्रयुक्त नूतन वाक्यनिर्माणम् ,नूतन आलोचनाज्ञानम् , नव्यसाहित्यनि
CO.०१.शब्दस्य पूर्व स्वरूपं , तत् समीचीन अर्थज्ञानम् ।
CO.०२.पुरातन भारतीय संस्कृतिः , चारित्रक , इतिहासा
CO.०३. आधिविद्ये मौखिक , लेखना नैपुण्यं आगमिष्यति।
CO.०४. परियोजनादि विजये स्वतन्त्रेन प्रदर्शनार्थं स्वशक्तिः प्राप्नोतिः
CO.०५. परिशीलनात्मक, आलोचनात्
CO.०६. उपणिषदादि विषये अधुनिक आविष्करण स्थापने उपयुक्तः।
CO.०७. व्यवहारिक संस्कृत भाषायां लेखन अनुवाक निर्मानं आगच्छति।
CO.०८. विश्वमानव सौभ्रातृत्वं , वसुधैव कुटुम्बक निर्माने स्वकर्तव्यं संपूर्णं करोति।
CO.०९. साहित्य इतिहास श्रवणे स्वजीवित लक्ष्यं पुरयति।
CO.१०. अन्ते भाषायां जीवनेऽपि कुशलत्वं , प्रतिनिधित्वं, वक्
भाग: - III - पाठ्यक्रम अनुसूचन I
खण्ड: - I कविः
१. चित्रपटदर्शनम्
२. विवेकानन्दविजयम्
खण्ड: - II
३. विश्रुतचरितम्
४. ध्रुवोपाख्यानम्
खण्ड: - III
५. दकारकथा
खण्ड: - IV
६. महाकवि शास्त्रकारविभागः
( आर्यभट्टः, भास्काराचार्यः, क
७. अलङ्कराः
खण्ड: - V व्याकरणम्
८. कृदन्तरूपाणि
९. संस्कृतसंभाषणाभ्यासः
भाषा प्रयोजनम्
स्नातक पूर्व स्तरे द्वितीयवर्षस्य द्वितीय भाषा संस्कृतम् अस्ति I अस्मिन् संस्कृत भाषा , संस्कृत साहित्यम् वैदिकसाहित्यम्, लौकिकसाहित्यम्, पद्य, गद्य, रूपक, व्याकरणादयः ज्ञातुं शक्नुवन्ते I अपि च संस्कृत पठनम्, लेखनम्, संभाषणम् कवि -काल विशेषादयः ज्ञायन्ते I संस्कृतभाषायाः सर्वव्यापकत्वं, अधुनातन काले कृत्रिम मस्तिष्केषु (कम्प्यूटर् यन्त्रेषु) तस्याः प्रयोगम् -प्रयोजनादीनि विषदयन्ति I अनुवादाभ्यासर्थं संस्कृतभाषा अति सुलभ भाषा भवति I संस्कृत भाषा माध्यमेन संस्कृति, संस्कारं, भारतीय आचार व्यवहाराण इत्यादिरपिज्ञातुं शक्नुवन्ते |
पाठ्यक्रम विवरण:स्नातक पूर्व स्तरे द्वितीयवर्षस्य संस्कृत पठ्यपुस्तकस्य नाम ‘’ सारस्वती सुषमा II’’ अयं
पुस्तकः पद्य , गद्य, व्याकरणम् इति त्रीणि विभागेन विभाजितःI कक्षे सर्वे छात्रा:
पठनं, लेखनं,श्रवणं,वक्तव्यं(संभाषणम्) च करणीयम्I छात्राः एतानि विषयाणि ज्ञात्वा
पठिष्यन्ति चेत् परीक्षे उत्तीर्णः भवेयुःI अधिक अङ्काण्यपि प्राप्नुवन्ति I
The syllabus has been designed to help the Under-graduate students to improve their linguistic skills and moral values. In the classes the focus will be on Reading comprehension, Writing comprehension, Listening comprehension and Speaking comprehension. The teacher will engage the students in various activities such as to read the text loudly, make them to form small sentences by using the new words, to
give them more exercises to consolidate their knowledge in the language etc. to develop these skills.
- Teacher: ISMAIL C
पाठ्यक्रम विवरण
कक्षा में पढ़ना, लिखना, सुनना और बोलना-----इनके आधार कौशल पर निम्नलिखित श्रेणियों में गद्य-पद्य-भाग और व्याकरण को विभाजित किया गया है, इसके लिए शिक्षक पाठ / चयनित पैराग्राफ (अनुच्छेद) का शैक्षणिक उपयोग, छात्रों की क्षमता के अनुसार करते हैं । शिक्षक विद्यार्थियों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए उनसे विषयानुसार लघु प्रश्न पूछते हैं और चर्चा के आधार पर छात्रों को छोटे पैराग्राफ या निबंध लिखने के लिए कहते हैं I जिससे छात्र-समूह चर्चाओं में भाग लेकर लाभान्वित होते हैं I
- Teacher: Dr. AKSHARA SINGH