Second Semester

The course addresses the English language needs of the students at the undergraduate level even as it acknowledges their critical thinking capabilities. The text exposes the students to a range of contexts where the language is used to meet a variety of real-life communication needs, give and seek information, express opinions, and engage with practical, emotional, intellectual, and creative aspects of language by integrating knowledge and skills. The exercises and the pre and post-reading activities that supplement the main texts are designed to draw the students into texts, make them read and understand the insight and encourage them to think beyond the text. The book emphasizes use rather than the usage, on how the English language is used rather than how it should be used. This book is one such tool that would help the students in honing English language and comprehension skills that would, in turn, help the students communicate effectively. Each chapter is organized in such a way that it creates a lot of involvement and encouragement for the learner.


To understand basics of contract act, sales of goods act, IPRs and legal provisions applicable for establishment, management and winding up of companies in India.



CO1: To make students understand about meaning and importance of the System of law in India

CO2: To make students learn and understand about laws relating to Business.

CO3: To make students aware about few important benchmark cases in law relating to business

CO4: To help students understand the law related to Sale of Goods & IPR.

CO5: To make students understand the Law related to Companies and its Importance, the recent amendments made in Companies Act 2013.

CO6: To develop a sense of Moral judgements & Legal Binding aspects in students.

Financial Accounting-II is a 5 credit course with 65 Sessions

Fundamentals of Advertising aims at introducing & providing the students with the basic concepts of advertising , its significance in business & society.As well as prepare the students in specialized areas of advertising.

Course Outcomes:


The student will be able to understand the basic intricacies of Advertising & Direct Marketing identify the various components of DAGMAR and understand their importance in the designing of an effective marketing strategy for the Organization.


The students will be able to analyze the growing need & importance of Advertising & Sales promotion, the management of relationships and communication to establish goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its public. 


The student will be able to understand the strategic planning involved in the advertising department as well as the communication response pyramids.


The student will be able to understand the Information utility, Product utility, introduction of new product, encourage innovation  & provide financial support to media.


The student will be able to identify the social, ethical and legal   responsibilities of advertising& social impact of advertising on society.



The student will be able to understand the criticisms & controversial effects of Advertising.