Final Semester

Project enhances team spirit and research skills of all the students. It helps the students to enhance their problem solving skills, analytical skills and management skills.

Course Descriptions:

 RIB is 2 credit Course with 24 sessions for semester. 

Subject Deals with regulations and stipulations of Insurance Business. Role and Functions of IRDA, Regulations for Intermediaries, Grievance redressal, Claim Settlement, Dispute Resolution mechanism and other provisions relating to Insurance Regulations are covered.

 Total Marks: 50 Marks(40 Marks: External Marks and 10 Marks: Internal Exam)

Course Objective: To equip the students with the knowledge regarding basics of Indian  Economy
CO1Understand the importance of one of the core sector in India that is ' AGRICULTURE '.
CO2They would learn about distribution system and type of Agriculture, Food security and Logistics.
CO3Know the Concept of Rural credit including the role of RRB's and NABARD.
CO4Understand the role of tertiary sector of India.
CO5They would learn and gain knowledge about LSI and SSI and labour laws related to the subject.
CO6They would be well equipped with the knowledge of foreign exchange and banking sector in India.

                                                                                                        COMMERCE LAB
Academic year2020 - 2021
Semester(s) VI
Course code &TitleBC606Commerce LabHPW  : 4 HRS             CREDITS: 4
InstructorMs. P.HariniMarks : 100
Course formatDifferent teaching and learning pedagogies will be used to enhance learning
Course DescriptionCommerce Lab provides practical exposure of the processes and procedures followed by organizations in conducting commercial practices. The lab provides practical orientation to students by linking the subject syllabi with practical training in the lab.
Course ObjectivesC01 understand the importance of license and related documents for establishments.
C02  coherent knowledge of the theoretical and professional disciplines of banking. 
C03 Understand legal provisions related formation of a company.
C04  Imparting practical knowledge as most of the returns are submitted through Internet. 
C05 To develop global competency and keep them updated with recent practices in the business world. 
C06  Practical exposure of the processes and procedures followed by organizations in conducting commercial practices.

Course Description: 

GST  is 5 credit course with 60 sessions for semester.

Subject deals with Tax structure of GST. All the provisions relating registration and  determination of tax on goods and services are covered.

Total Marks: 100 ( 80 Marks-External, 15 Marks-Internal &5 Marks -Assignment)