Fourth Semester

This course aims at understanding the essential metabolic functions of the human organism as well as and the molecular & biochemical basis of human diseases through analysis , the mechanisms of production, consumption and storage of energy, intermediary metabolism of main biomolecules and its regulatory mechanisms.

Bioinformatics is a very important tool which helps us understand the DNA, RNA and Protein sequences in detail. They are helpful in analysis of these molecular elements which is used in identification of microbial samples, construction of gene and protein bank, finding the enzymes from the protein sequences, as well as help in docking for the drug discovery. Biostatistics is required as a tool for a stable and efficient research with mathematical correlation as well as to judge the biological samples when collected in random sampling manner. Using various methods, we help to analyze our sample and prove the hypothesis during and after the sampling.

This course is designed to have an understanding of the physico-chemical properties of organic and inorganic compounds, and also to develop practical skills to identify the structure of organic molecules.