Sixth Semester

Numerical analysis, area of mathematics and computer science that creates, analyses, and implements algorithms for obtaining numerical solutions to problems involving continuous variables. Such problems arise throughout the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, medicine, and business.

This course teaches HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript to create interactive web pages.

Students will learn to create dynamic and interactive websites using JavaScript and AJAX.

Course Summary

The General English course English Express caters to the needs of students who embark on a new journey after their undergraduate studies. During the course of the previous semesters, the students got exposure to experiential learning, especially with live projects and campus interviews, and the English course prepares them to face these challenges. All the texts in the coursework are carefully picked to enable them to gain pragmatic experiences of life apart from exposing them to the apparent reflections of varied human societies and cultures. The texts also enable them to think critically and comprehend the implicit values they convey.

This paper primarily deals with ANOVA, design of experiments, Vital Statistics, Index numbers. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical formula used to compare variances across the means (or average) of different groups. The vital statistics themselves are a critical national information resource for understanding public health and examining such key indicators Index numbers offer a precise measurement of the quantitative change in the concerned variable over  time.