Third Semester 

Course Overview

The students will be able to:

CO 1. Read and interpret and analyze the implicit and explicit layers of meaning embedded in a poem.

CO 2. Identify poetic devices and the uncommon use of language in poetry.

CO 3. Become more empathetic and question the various forms of discrimination that exist in society based upon caste, race, gender and culture etc.

CO 4. Engage enlightenment values (liberty, equality and fraternity) and the idea of the secular nation versus various groups divided on the basis of region, caste, creed and language.

CO 5. Understand the need for English to be adapted to the local cultural contexts of India.

CO 6. Learn and use phrasal verbs, reorted speech and determiners correctly and efficiently.

CO7. Develop better writing skills and become adept in organizing one’s thoughts and ideas to write essays.

Business statistics is a course that is designed to give you the basic tools of collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting data. In this course we are dealing with statistical concepts including frequency distribution, graphical presentationmeasures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis and correlation.

Advanced accounting course deals with accounting treatment of partnership firms in different contexts viz., admission, retirement, death, dissolution and insolvency of a partner. It gives knowledge on procedure followed for issue of shares, debentures and bonus issue and preparation of companies final accounts as per companies act 2013 provisions. It gives clear picture on understanding computation of value of goodwill and shares.

Course Description

The Course Professional Skills is divided into two parts:

a)     Career Skills

b)    Team Skills

The Career Skills component empowers an individual to prepare an appropriate and effective Resume, prepares students to face interviews confidently and also to participate in Group Discussions. It also helps students to identify their innate strengths and weaknesses.

 The team skills component prepares students to strengthen their team skills. Collaborating and working together can assist in resolving complex problems, which allow individuals an opportunity to articulate new ideas and perspectives. It allows the learner to design, develop, problem solve and adapt to situations based on their experience and skills.

This course teaches the basics of Data Analytics Modelling by introducing students to identifying the correct data that is important for decision-making in business and how to clean, extract, transform, and load the data for performing Analysis. It also teaches the concepts related to data warehousing and SQL.