For the students of Section A

      Course Summary

This course is continuous of business statistics- I it will introduce statistics in the workplace. Statistics is how we gather, analyze, and interpret data. You can apply statistics to any number of fields, say Industry or Commerce or Trade or Economics etc., the course will begin with regression, index numbers, time series, probability and distributions.

The General English course 'Inspiring English' for semester 4 addresses the language and literary needs of students at the undergraduate level. Apart from the components of poetry and prose in literature, language components include pronunciation,  Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking and Writing Skills. The chosen texts in all three units, exposes them both to the classics and contemporary, while engaging them through interesting themes and concepts. In addition to these, the contexts chosen for   speaking, and writing skills enables students to enhance their communication abilities through well-tailored exercises and activities. The students gain specific life skills by involving themselves in a variety of  tasks. Overall the course focusses on skills acquisition while building their attitudes towards knowledge building and critical thinking. The syllabus has been designed to enhance the overall personality of undergraduate students as it includes social, ethical and cultural concerns through select texts.

Corporate accounting emphasizes on AS-14 discussing the accounting treatment to be followed at the time of liquidation of companies, and internal and external reconstruction of companies. This provides an understanding of banking companies act provisions and ascertainment of the financial position of banking companies. This deals with the preparation of final accounts of insurance companies and special emphasis is made on claim settlement in case of fire and marine insurance policies.


Course Summary

Income Tax is 5 credit course. Syllabus covers provisions relating to Direct taxes . All the provisions under 5 heads of Income namely Salaries, House property, Business or profession, Capital Gains and Other sources are covered.