Courses for Section C

Course Summary:

Course Description:

This course gives comprehensive understanding about Leadership and the Essential skills required by an individual to be called an effective leader and also understand the concept of entrepreneurship and leadership through study of biographies of few famous personalities.

Course Outcomes:

CO1      Identify from a linear regression equation the response (outcome) and predictor                                   (explanatory) variables, the slope, and y-intercept. Use a given linear regression equation to                 find the predicted value for a new observation

CO2      Define index numbers and explain their uses; · identify and use the following methods for                     construction of index numbers: (i) aggregate method (ii) simple average of relative method;                 and explain the advantages of different methods of construction.

CO3      Recognize when curve—fitting may be an appropriate method for modeling a series,                           identifying linear, quadratic, where appropriate. Describe models for seasonal variation,                       including additive and multiplicative models.

CO4      Identify from a probability scenario events that are simple, complementary, mutually                             exclusive, and independent

CO5      Correctly apply multiplication rule for two independent events, the addition rule for union of               two events, and the complement rule.

CO6      Calculate z-scores for a symmetric set of date and interpret what this z-score means in terms               of the standard deviation. 

Course Summary

Income Tax is 5 credit course. Syllabus covers provisions relating to Direct taxes . All the provisions under 5 heads of Income namely Salaries, House property, Business or profession, Capital Gains and Other sources are covered.