First Semester

This Course includes an interdisciplinary core topic which encourages students to explore the social, aesthetic, ethical, scientific, and technical aspects of environmental questions; concentrations that allow students to approach these questions with more focused knowledge and methodological tools; a community-engaged research course


Unit 1

POEM: ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ by Sarojini Naidu  PROSE: ‘The Eyes are

Not Here’ by Ruskin Bond  VOCABULARY: Word Roots  GRAMMAR:

Nouns  SPEAKING: Getting Someone’s Attention and Interrupting  POSTREADING: Creativity

Unit 2

POEM: ‘If–’ by Rudyard Kipling  PROSE: ‘On Saying Please’ by A.G. Gardiner

 VOCABULARY: Prefixes and Suffixes  GRAMMAR: Pronouns 

SPEAKING: Giving Instructions and Seeking Clarifications  POST-READING:

Interpersonal Skills

Unit 3

POEM: ‘Ulysses’ by Alfred Tennyson  PROSE: ‘Seeing People Off’ by Max

Beerbohm  VOCABULARY: Homonyms, Homographs, Homophones 

GRAMMAR: Adjectives  SPEAKING: Asking for and Giving Opinions 

POST-READING: Motivation

Unit 4

POEM: ‘On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-three’ by John Milton 

PROSE: ‘Shyness My Shield’ by M.K. Gandhi  VOCABULARY: Collocation

GRAMMAR: Articles  SPEAKING: Agreeing and Disagreeing with Opinions 

POST-READING: Self-analysis