Courses for Students of Section C


  • To gain skills of usage of Web Technologies to design Web pages
  • To give basic knowledge on Internet concepts
  • To encourage students to develop their own web pages using languages like HTML, XML, CSS, Java Script
  • To make students understand the importance of various java script events


  • Create web pages using HTML concepts like Formatting text, Forms, Frames, Hyperlinks etc
  • Able to apply various Cascading Style Sheets.
  • Understand & able to demonstrate Web designing principles
  • Able to apply various Multimedia effects & Transitions
  • Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client side programming).
  • Understand and implement various online events like onmouse over, onselect, onsubmit etc…
  • Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.
  • Students will be able to compete for web designing test/quiz

Course Description

GST is 5 Credit course with 60 sessions for semester.

Total Marks: 100 (80 marks external, 15 marks internal & 5 marks assignment)