Courses for Students of Section C

Course Objective

The course should enable the students to


Develop the student’s ability to deal with numerical and quantitative issues in business


Enable the use of statistical, graphical and algebraic techniques wherever relevant


Course Outcomes

After  the completion of the course the student will be able to


Able to apply fundamental concepts in exploratory data analysis.


Develop skills in presenting data using appropriate diagrams or graphs.


Determine the value of the mean, the median, and the mode of grouped and ungrouped data.


Apply measures of location for central value of the data about which all the set of values of data lies.


Knowledge of average of variation and dispersion of values.


Calculate and interpret the various measures dispersion skewness and Kurtosis.


Understand the relation between two variables by correlation.


Apply different methods to find the strength of a linear association between two numerical variables.


  • To acquire basic conceptual knowledge on Relational database model, ER model and distributed databases
  • Understand and implement various SQL queries
  • Ease with Database (SQL) environment and error handling.


COURSE OUTCOMES: By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: Understand basic database concepts, including the structure and operations of the relational data model.

CO 2: Ability to describe and implement the Relational Database concepts

CO 3: Potential to understand and execute Queries using MYSQL

CO 4: Understand and apply logical database design principles, E-R diagrams & database normalization

CO 5: Gains knowledge about creating backup file and recovering of data

CO 6: Understand the concept of a database transaction queries and related database facilities

CO 7: Understand the role of the database administrator

CO 8: Knowledge about data integrity, security, recovery, performance etc…

Course Description:

Advance Accounting is 5 credit course with 65 sessions for the semester. Advance Accounting focuses on advance concepts like partnership, Accounting entries for issues of Shares and Debentures  , valuation of Goodwill and shares and Preparation of Final accounts as per Companies Act, 2013.

Course Objective: 

To acquire accounting knowledge of partnership firms and joint stock companies.

Course Outcomes:

CO 1 Acquaint with accounting knowledge of partnership firms in the context of admission, retirement and death of a partner

CO 2 Gain knowledge about the accounting procedures at the time of Dissolution of a Firm and also the sale of a firm to a company form of organization

CO 3 Gain insight on the customary practices of issue of shares and debentures by companies

CO 4 Can comprehend the provisions amended in companies act 2013 and enable to prepare company final accounts

CO 5 Able to exhibit proficiency in evaluation of goodwill and shares