Courses for Students of Section D

Course Overview: Financial Accounting I

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. Several important concepts will be studied in detail, including: revenue recognition, inventory, long-lived assets and long-term liabilities. The course emphasizes the construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and bank reconciliation statement - as well as their interpretation.


Course Objectives

The course aims to at providing an in-depth knowledge in Finance Accounting concepts, conventions and the role of financial Accounting in the business. Gives a hands-on-experience in the process of learning the financial Accounting and know-how to prepare the financial statements.


CO-1: Demonstrate the basic concepts and conventions of accounting and its branches

CO-2: Prepare the financial statements with relevant adjustments

CO-3: Able to rectify the errors in accounting and account for depreciation on fixed assets

CO-4: Able to reconcile the differences in bank passbook and cash book

CO-5: Examine the nature of subsidiary books

This course is designed to make students understand the basic concepts and terminology of information technology and to identify issues  related to information security.

Course summary: This course will begin with the study of fundamental concepts of business associated concepts, various forms of business organisation including the processes of team work/team building, and then focus on applications to specific business contexts with particular reference to the fundamentals of management

Course Objective: To acquaint the students with the basics of Commerce and Business concepts and functions and forms of Business Organization and functions of Management.


Course Outcomes:

Ø  CO1: Students assimilate the different associated terms of Commerce  like Industry, Trade and Auxiliaries to Trade


Ø  CO2: Students apprehend the various forms of Business Organizations (Sole  trader, HUF and Co-operative Organizations)


Ø  CO3: Students realize the edge of the formation of a Joint Stock Company over other forms of Business Organizations


Ø  CO4 Students understand the various legal procedure involved in the promotion of a Joint Stock Company


Ø  CO5: Students understand the role of managers functions, levels and skills significance in the dynamic global business environment

Ø  CO6: Students analyze the aim of scientific management  to develop all men to their greatest efficiency, productivity and prosperity

Ø  CO7: Students sense how Planning facilitates Managers and Administrators of any business or industrial unit to make progress as per the needs of the desired objectives   


Ø  CO8: Students catch the creation of framework needed to reach the company’s objectives and goals through Organizing and Organization


Ø  CO9: Students deduce the  use of authority  to influence the attitude and behavior of the subordinates in terms of doing the right things at the right time

  C10: Students interpret how Controlling function of management helps to check errors in order to take corrective actions

Course Outcomes   


The students will be able to:

·         CO1 Read short fiction, identify the various elements of a short story and write their own stories.

·         CO2 Improve their pronunciation with the help of phonemic transcription.

·         CO3 Figure out the etymological origins of English words by learning Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes and learn to spell correctly.

·         CO4 Distinguish the subtle differences in meaning and articulation in homonyms, homographs & homophones

·         CO5 Learn the different types of nouns, pronouns, auxiliary and main verbs.

·         CO6 Be acquainted with the rules of punctuation concerning capitalization, commas, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

·         CO7 Gain verbal competence in practicing how to introduce oneself in formal situation, describing one’s college and course of study, sustaining cordial conversations and leaving a voice mail.

·         CO8 Read passages about the local culture, practices, history and personages of Telangana.

·         CO9 Enhance their writing skills by learning how to draft paragraphs, sequencing sentences into coherent passages, describing something or someone in writing and writing a dialogue.

·         CO 10 Hone their soft skills and imbibe valuable life lessons to steer their course of life.