Courses for Students of Section D

Course Overview: Financial Accounting I

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. Several important concepts will be studied in detail, including: revenue recognition, inventory, long-lived assets and long-term liabilities. The course emphasizes the construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and bank reconciliation statement - as well as their interpretation.


Course Objectives

The course aims to at providing an in-depth knowledge in Finance Accounting concepts, conventions and the role of financial Accounting in the business. Gives a hands-on-experience in the process of learning the financial Accounting and know-how to prepare the financial statements.

Course Outcomes

CO-1: Demonstrate the basic concepts and conventions of accounting and its branches

CO-2: Prepare the financial statements with relevant adjustments

CO-3: Able to rectify the errors in accounting and account for depreciation on fixed assets

CO-4: Able to reconcile the differences in bank passbook and cash book

CO-5: Examine the nature of subsidiary books

 1.  Acquire basic knowledge in Information technology and its applications.
 2.  To help students face the challenge when they interact with ICT.
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

 CO 1: Understand and describe the functions, advantages and limitations of various functional units of computer.
 CO 2: Gain more insight into the various networking concepts and I/O devices.
 CO 3: Be able to work on Windows / DOS operating systems at the basic level.
 CO 4: Identify various ways to gather required information.
 CO 5: Recognize the trends in Information Communication Technology.
 CO 6: Ability to present and discuss advantages and limitations of Information technology.
 CO 7:  Use Microsoft Office programs to create personal, academic and business documents.
 CO 8: Classify the computers, and software based on their functionalities.