Courses for Students of Section D

COURSE OBJECTIVE: To appraise the students about the application of accounting in certain special business activities and to impart the skill needed for preparation of final accounts of such special business activities.

COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will/be;

CO-1: Acquainted with the concept of special transaction like Consignment, its Features and   various terminologies used.

CO-2: Understand different types of commission payable to consignee, and record the various aspects of consignment in the books of accounts.

    CO-3: Differentiate between Single Entry and Double Entry system and be adept with the procedure of conversion of incomplete records to double entry books using              Net worth method/Conversion Method and ascertain profit of the firm.

CO-4: Prepare the statements required by an NPO to ascertain the Surplus or Deficit made by the                                          organization.

     CO-5: Acquainted with the meaning of Joint venture, its features, and will develop the skill of maintaining books of accounts using different methods of keeping records for JV Accounts.

     CO-6: Familiarized with Accounting treatment of bills in the books of parties concerned. Differentiate between Trade Bills and Accommodation Bills


CAREER OPPORTUNITY: After the completion of the B. Com course, a student can pursue a career in Banking, Insurance, Investments, Equity Research Analyst, Financial Accounting & Auditing, Auditing & Cost    Accounting, Company Secretarial Practice, Foreign Trade Practice &Procedures, Financial Consultancy, etc. In addition, the student can pursue higher studies.         

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: All evaluations are conducted as per the norms of Osmania University. These are two components of evaluations: Internal – 20 Marks, External – 80 Marks
The pattern of Internal evaluation is 2 internal examinations of 15 marks each which will be averaged and 1 assignment of 5 marks, totaling 20 marks. Each Internal Assessment question paper will consist of 10 MCQ’s of ½ mark each, 10 FIB’s of ½ each and 5 short questions of 1 mark each. Pattern of semester end Final examination conducted by university – Section A – consists of 8 short answer questions (at least one from each unit), out of which 5 questions need to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks. Section B consists of 5 (one from each unit) Essay questions with internal choice.

The Course

The course addresses the English language needs of the students at the undergraduate level even as it acknowledges their critical thinking capabilities. The text exposes the students to a range of contexts where the language is used to meet a variety of real life communication needs, give and seek information, to express opinions, and to engage with practical, emotional, intellectual and creative aspects of language by integrating knowledge and skills. The exercises and the pre and post reading activities that supplement the main texts are designed to draw the students into texts, make them read and understand the insight and encourage them to think beyond the text. The book emphasizes on use rather than the usage, on how the English language is used rather than how it should be used. This book is one such tool which would help the students in honing English language and comprehension skills that would in turn help the students communicate effectively. Each chapter is organized in such a way that it creates a lot of involvement and encouragement to the learner.


Course Description

The syllabus has been designed to develop linguistic and communicative competence of undergraduate students.


In the classes the focus is on the skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking divided under the four categories of Prose, Poetry, Vocabulary and Grammar. The teacher also asks questions to stimulate classroom discussion and based on these discussions the students will be made to write short paragraphs /essays, participate in group discussions as part of continuous assessment.


Course Outcomes

The students will be able to:

·         CO1 Use figures of speech in speaking and writing.

·         CO2 Know how to punctuate using colon, em-dash, semicolon, hyphen and inverted commas and comprehend the changes in meaning when these are used.

·         CO3 Use different methods of note making in their studies and during classroom instruction.

·         CO4 Manage their time in an organized manner and develop strategies to deal with stress.

·         CO5 Learn how to draft formal and informal letters.

·         CO6 Learn general etiquette and prepare for an interview.

·         CO7 Imbibe leadership qualities and learn how to conduct a meeting.

·         CO8 Understand how to write a short story/ elements of short story.(In reference to ‘A Visit to Charity’ by Eudora Welty)

·         CO9 Be informed about travel writing, and the conflict between cultures, beliefs, customs, and superstitions in the essay-“Benares”.

·         CO10 Learn how to indentify: Imagery, symbolism, style, figures of speech in the poem-“Stanzas Written in Dejection near Naples”.

·         CO11 Know about the power of speech (Rhetoric), oratory skills, delivery of speech and how it works in different contexts such as politics, religion and in some professions.

·         CO12 They would further read/ view/ perform plays related to the extract from Julius Caesar by Shakespeare to enhance their knowledge.

·         CO13 Inculcate values that help in the overall development of their personalities.

Student and Instructor Responsibilities

            The Instructor is expected to


1. Share the Course Objective and the Unit Objectives with the students

2. Be on time to the classroom

3. Engage the students in enriching learning experience through facilitating, teaching, mentoring and counseling

4. Recapitulating, recalling and revising what is taught

5. Be mindful of the decorum and maintain composure throughout the session.

6. Be approachable to students for clarification of doubts


The Students are expected to (Guidelines on Classroom participation)


1. Come prepare to learn new concepts

2. Be in time to class

3. Respect Faculty and her/his peers

4. Come with the Textbooks the note book and the necessary stationery

5. Perform and submit the assigned tasks

6. Submit assignments on time

COURSE: BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS                                                        COURSE CODE: AECC 2

SEMESTER: II                                                                                               CREDITS: 2

DISCIPLINE:  B.COM (COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – SECTION D)                                   

MAX MARKS: 50 (40U+10I)




1)     To impart the basic level of understanding of working of a computer and its usage.

2)     To understand the concept of computer networks and communication system.

3)     To equip students with the efficient use of information technology.



Upon learning this course students will be able to understand:

CO1)     the student will be able to exhibit proficiency in a core set of applications, viz., Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

CO2)    the students will be able to apply writing skills in preparing and presenting documents.

CO3)    the student will be able to discuss key hardware terminology and hardware functionality.

CO4)    the student will be able to demonstrate competency in using PC operating systems and using the Internet as a search tool.

CO5)    the students will learn concept of computer networks and communication system.


SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: All evaluations are conducted as per the norm of Osmania University. These are two components of evaluations: Internal – 10 Marks, External –40 Marks
There will be 2 internal examinations during the semester as per the schedule of Osmania University. At the end of each semester, final external examination will be conducted by Osmania University.
Pattern of Internal Examination Schedule/Date is decided by the University. Each Internal Examination is of 10 Marks. Final Marks of internal examination is the average of two internal exams of 10 marks. Questions are of objective types and conducted and evaluated at the college & by the college.


1.      Computer Fundamentals: P.K.Sinha

2.      Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, Mc GrawHill , 2012.

3.      Using Information Technology, Brian K williams, StaceyC.Sawyer, Tata Mc GrawHill.


CO1:To make students understand about meaning and importance of law in India

CO2:To make students learn about laws relating to business since every commerce student must have an idea about it

CO3: To make students aware about few important benchmark cases in law relating to business

CO4:To make students well acquainted about legal binding and legality

CO5:To help students make assignments on topics allotted to them

CO6:To develop a sense of moral judgements in students

CO7:To make student capable of deciding what is right and wrong

CO8:To help student understand in dealing in contracts and agreements

CO9:To make them understand about IPRs

CO10:To make them understand about identifying threats in business contracts


Department of Commerce

Students’ Code of Conduct

Rule 1

Mobile phones must be kept away from visibility and on Complete Silentmode during lecture sessions, unless otherwise stated by the faculty. Student(s) found violating the rule will be suspended from the on-going session instantly and attendance will be denied.

Rule 2

Students are not allowed in the classroom withoutcalculatorsfor all accounts, income tax, and other numeric subjects (like Business Statistics). Non – adherence or sharingof calculators will lead to suspension fromthe on-going session and denial of attendance for the subject.

Rule 3

Students must carry the prescribed textbook/study material(for accounts, income tax, English and other numeric subjects like Business Statistics) in the class. Sharing of Textbooks/study material is not allowed and non adherence of the rule will lead to suspension from the on-going session and denial of attendance.

Rule 4

Classroom Discipline:

Ø  Noise in Classroom in the presence of teachers :

Such behaviour will be strictly dealt with.

Ø  Sleeping in lecture sessions :

Strictly not allowed. Will lead to suspension from the on-going session.

Ø  Late entry in classrooms is not permitted.

Grace time:

First hour – up to 8:35 am

Subsequent lecturesup to 5 minutes of commencement of class

Ø  Eating/chewing(gums) during class sessions is not allowed. Will lead to suspension from the on-going class.

Ø  Offensive language and misconduct in classrooms will not be tolerated in any case. Students will be put through the Discipline Committee. Any such incidents against faculty especially will lead to immediate suspension from classes until meeting with parents.