Courses for Students of Section D


1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving using C compiler

2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language

3. To learn the basic data structures through implementation in C language

4. Develop an in-depth understanding of functional and logical paradigms



By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1:    write a C program to resolve the given problem & able to explain how an existing C program works

CO 2:    able to demonstrate the importance of data type & format specifiers

CO 3:    discover errors in a C++ program and describe how to fix them

CO 4:    create their own functions with appropriate return types

CO 5:    able to judge which control structure to be used to resolve specific issue

CO 6:    create structure & unions – a mile stone of c language

CO 7:    at the end of the course students could demonstrate the loop holes of C

CO 8:    ready to adapt object oriented programming languages like C++

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