Courses for Students of Section D

Academic year 2019-20 
Semester(s) semester V
Instructor Gisa George
Course format Different teaching and learning pedagogies will be used to enhance learning
CO1  To get an overview of Indian Economy. 
CO2 To make the students acquainted with the latest developments in the Economy.
CO3 Students will come across with the problems and success of LPG Policy 
CO4 Know the positive and negative impacts of LPG.   
CO5 Students will know and understand nations problems
CO6  Learn the measures to solve the problems of the nation.

Course Objective: To acquire knowledge of working of Indian Banking system

Course Outcomes:

CO1: To gain knowledge about the history and present scenario of the Indian banking system

CO2: To elucidate the broad functions of banks

CO3: To understand the working of the Reserve Bank of India

 CO4: To grasp the conduct of monetary policy and its effect on the interest rate, credit availability,  prices and the inflation rate            CO5:   To express opinions about banking in written and oral form, based on the basic knowledge and skills

 CO6: To learn the importance to be updated on the developments of the banking sector and practice the same      


UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Origin and Growth of Banking in India - Unit Vs Branch Banking - Functions of Commercial Banks - Nationalization of Commercial Banks in India - Emerging Trends in Commercial Banking in India: E-Banking – Mobile Banking - Core Banking – Bank Assurance – OMBUDSMAN.

UNIT-II: RESERVE BANK OF INDIA: RBI Constitution - Organizational Structure – Management - Objectives – Functions – Monetary Policy.

UNIT-III: TYPES OF BANKS: District Co-Operative Central Banks – Contemporary Banks - Regional Rural Banks - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) – SIDBI – Development Banks.

UNIT-IV: BANKER AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP: Definition of Banker and Customer - Relationship Between Banker and Customer - KYC norms - General and Special Features of Relationship - Opening of Accounts - Special Types of Customers Like Minor, Married Women, Partnership Firms, Companies, Clubs and other Non-Trading Institutions.

UNIT-V: NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS: Descriptions and their Special Features - Duties and Responsibilities of Paying and Collecting Banker - Circumstances under which a Banker can refuse Payment of Cheques - Consequences of Wrongful Dishonors - Precautions to be taken while Advancing Loans Against Securities – Goods - Documents of Title to Goods - Loans against Real Estate -Insurance Policies - Against Collateral Securities – Banking Receipts. Rule in Clayton’s Case - Garnishee Order – Loans against Equitable Mortgage - Legal Mortgage - Distinction between them - Latest Trends in Deposit Mobilization.

SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Banking Theory & Practices: Dr. P. K. Srivatsava, Himalaya Publishers
2. Banking Theory & Practices: K.E. Shekar, Vikas Publications
3. Banking theory & Practices: Santhi Vedula, HPH.
4. Banking Theory & Practices: Dr. J. Jayanthi, PBP.
5. Banking Theory, Law & Practices: R. R Paul, Kalyani Publishers
6. Money Banking and Financial Markets: Averbach, Rabort. D, MacMillan. Landon
7. Banking: N.T. Somashekar, New Age International Publishers
8. Fundamentals of International Banking: Rup Narayan Bose, Trinity Publishers
9. Modern Commercial Banking: H.R. Machiraju, New Age International Publishers
10. Banking Theory & Practices: R. Rajesh, Tata McGraw Hill
11. Merchant Banking & Financial Services: S. Guruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill
12. Management of Banking & Financial Services; Padmalatha Suresh, Pearson
13. Modern Banking: D. Muralidharan, PHI

WEB LINKS:,_1881



  • Encourage students to develop web pages
  • A clear understanding of internet, www, web pages can be acquired
  • This course will allow the users to create their own tags using XML
  • Increase the curiosity to learn more with the topics like CSS

COURSE OUTCOMES:         By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: demonstrate the importance study of web technologies

CO 2: understand the issues/principles while designing a webpage. Could create one’s own tags in XML

CO 3: Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets.

CO 4: Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client side programming).

CO 5: Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.

CO 6: could be able to create multimedia effects/transitions

CO 7: able to distinguish various mouse and keyboard events

CO 8: apply course knowledge in higher studies, real time situations

Course Objective:

To make the students acquire the knowledge of cost accounting methods.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 Express the place and role of cost accounting in the modern economic environment
CO2 Identify the specifics of different costing methods.
CO3 Apply Costing Concepts in their business and cost related areas.
CO4  Emphasis will be placed upon the application of cost accounting theory in the solution of problems.
CO5  Explain the similarities and differences between job order cost and process cost systems and determine who uses each.
CO6  Apply activity-based costing to service industries.
CO7  Appear confidently for Cost Accounting based college / Professional Course Examinations.