Courses for Students of Section D

Course Objective: To equip the students with the knowledge regarding basics of Indian  Economy
CO1Understand the importance of one of the core sector in India that is ' AGRICULTURE '.
CO2They would learn about distribution system and type of Agriculture, Food security and Logistics.
CO3Know the Concept of Rural credit including the role of RRB's and NABARD.
CO4Understand the role of tertiary sector of India.
CO5They would learn and gain knowledge about LSI and SSI and labour laws related to the subject.
CO6They would be well equipped with the knowledge of foreign exchange and banking sector in India.

Department of Commerce

Students’ Code of Conduct

Rule 1

Mobile phones must be kept away from visibility and on Complete Silentmode during lecture sessions, unless otherwise stated by the faculty. Student(s) found violating the rule will be suspended from the on-going session instantly and attendance will be denied.

Rule 2

Students are not allowed in the classroom withoutcalculatorsfor all accounts, income tax, and other numeric subjects (like Business Statistics). Non – adherence or sharingof calculators will lead to suspension fromthe on-going session and denial of attendance for the subject.

Rule 3

Students must carry the prescribed textbook/study material(for accounts, income tax, English and other numeric subjects like Business Statistics) in the class. Sharing of Textbooks/study material is not allowed and non adherence of the rule will lead to suspension from the on-going session and denial of attendance.

Rule 4

Classroom Discipline:

Ø  Noise in Classroom in the presence of teachers :

Such behaviour will be strictly dealt with.

Ø  Sleeping in lecture sessions :

Strictly not allowed. Will lead to suspension from the on-going session.

Ø  Late entry in classrooms is not permitted.

Grace time:

First hour – up to 8:35 am

Subsequent lecturesup to 5 minutes of commencement of class

Ø  Eating/chewing(gums) during class sessions is not allowed. Will lead to suspension from the on-going class.

Ø  Offensive language and misconduct in classrooms will not be tolerated in any case. Students will be put through the Discipline Committee. Any such incidents against faculty especially will lead to immediate suspension from classes until meeting with parents.

COURSE OBJECTIVE: To appraise the students about the regulations in relation to Insurance Policy, the various policies and procedures involved in Insurance Businesses etc.


Upon learning this course, the student will be able to:

·       Have a basic idea of types of insurances and various reforms that exit. It would enable students to understand the role and functions of IRDA.

·       Have a brief idea about nomination, transfer, repudiation, frauds and protection. They would understand grievance handling mechanism and international trends of Insurance.


SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: All evaluations are conducted as per the norm of Osmania University. These are two components of evaluations: Internal – 10 Marks, External –40 Marks
There will be 2 internal examinations during the semester as per the schedule of Osmania University. At the end of each semester, the final external examination will be conducted by Osmania University.
The pattern of Internal Examination Schedule/Date is decided by the University. Each Internal Examination is of 10 Marks. Final Marks of internal examination is the average of two internal exams of 10 marks. Questions are of objective types and conducted and evaluated at the college & by the college.



Students should adhere to the rules framed under Minimum Class disciplinary rules.


Students are not allowed inside the class after 10mins(if first hour), 5mins(subsequent hours)


Students are not allowed to sleep in the class


Students are expected to maintain discipline in the class


Students are not supposed to attend calls during class


Students are not allowed to use abusive language

The objective of the course is to give an introduction to database management systems, with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve information from a RDBMS efficiently and effectively. To write queries using a standard query language called SQL.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

 CO 1: Understand what a database system is and its fundamental elements.
 CO 2: Understand the basic concepts of  relational data model and the ability to describe and implement the same 
 CO 3: Design and build a simple database system and execute queries on them using MYSQL
 CO 4: Understand  and  successfully  apply  logical  database  design  principles, including E-R diagrams.
 CO 5: Understand the concept of a database  transaction queries and  related database  facilities.
 CO 6: Apply various normalization techniques and thereby improving the database design.
 CO 7: Understand the role of the database administrator.
 CO 8: Gains awareness on  data Security, concurrency control and design data bases with ensured data integrity.

CO1:  Apply managerial accounting and its objectives in a way that demonstrates a clear understanding of ethical responsibilities;                                     
CO2: Analyze cost-volume-profit techniques to determine optimal managerial decisions;         
CO3: Perform cost variance analysis and demonstrate the use of standard costs in flexible    
CO4: Identify the guidelines for selecting the most profitable set of products or services    
CO5: Prepare a master budget and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the components;  
CO6: Identify relevant cost in decision making.       

Student Code of Conduct

Rule 1

Mobile phones must be kept away from visibility and on Complete Silent mode during

lecture sessions, unless otherwise stated by the faculty. Student(s) found violating the rule

will be suspended from the on-going session instantly and attendance will be denied.

Rule 2

Students are not allowed in the classroom without calculators for all accounts, income tax,

and other numeric subjects (like Business Statistics). Non – adherence or sharing of

calculators will lead to suspension from the on-going session and denial of attendance for

the subject.

Rule 3

Students must carry the prescribed textbook/study material (for accounts, income tax,

English and other numeric subjects like Business Statistics) in the class. Sharing of

Textbooks/study material is not allowed and non adherence of the rule will lead to

suspension from the on-going session and denial of attendance.

Rule 4

Classroom Discipline:

 Noise in Classroom in the presence of teachers :

Such behaviour will be strictly dealt with.

 Sleeping in lecture sessions :

Strictly not allowed. Will lead to suspension from the on-going session.

 Late entry in classrooms is not permitted.

Grace time:

First hour – up to 8:35 am

Subsequent lectures – up to 5 minutes of commencement of class

 Eating/chewing(gums) during class sessions is not allowed. Will lead to suspension

from the on-going class.

 Offensive language and misconduct in classrooms will not be tolerated in any case.

Students will be put through the Discipline Committee. Any such incidents against

faculty especially will lead to immediate suspension from classes until meeting with



  • Students must be able to develop web pages
  • Students must understand Electronic Commerce & its inter-linked concepts, E-Business models
  • To Enlighten students with the insight of electronic transactions & pitfalls  over network

 COURSE OUTCOMES: By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: demonstrate the Advantages & Limitations of E-Commerce

CO 2: perform E-Banking, E-Marketing, E-Learning, E-Shopping

CO 3: understand the importance of Network Security

CO 4: able to describe the required infrastructure of e-commerce

CO 5: able to demonstrate HTTP v/s HTTPS, Public v/s Private Key

CO 6: able to discuss few legal and privacy issues, risk associated with E-Commerce

CO 7: able to distinguish different online payment methods

CO 8: apply course knowledge in higher studies, real time situations