Courses for Students of Section A

Financial Accounting -II is extension of FA-I. During this course, the student will acquire the knowledge in the methods of accounting like; Consignment, Non-trading Concerns, Joint Venture, Bills of Exchange and Single Entry. The course is assed for 100 marks which is split into two parts. While 20 marks are allotted for internal assessment comprising of a short quiz carrying 15 marks and an assignment for 5 marks, 80 marks are allotted for the end-term assessment. There will be 4 assignments collected during the course and an average of all four would be taken for 5 marks assignment. 




PROGRAMME: B.COM                                                                CLASS:  B.COM GENERAL

SEMESTER: II                                                                                 INSTRUCTOR: P.HARINI


COURSE TYPE: DSC                                                                                             PAPER: DSC 202

MAX. MARKS: 80                                                                                                   THPW: 5 HRS

EXAM DURATION: 3 HRS                                                                                   CREDITS: 5





To understand:

1) Basics of Contract Act, 1872, 

2) Sale of Goods Act, 1930 and Consumer Protection Act, 1986

3) Intellectual Property Rights

4) Legal Provisions applicable for Management of Companies and Meetings

5) Modes of winding up of a Company with consequences of winding up and Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code Act, 2016



CO1:To compose students understand about the meaning and significance of Law& Business Lawof India

CO2:To prepare every commerce students learn about different types of Acts applicable to business

CO3: To make students aware about the Sale, Agreement to Sell, Goods, Types of Goods and the essence of       conditions and warranties in contract of sale

CO4:To analyze the vital role on redressal of consumer grievances) through multi-layerof Consumer Forums at various levels (National, State and District ) underConsumer Protection Act

CO5:To acquaint students with the norms and procedure to register for the various Intellectual Property Rights like Trade Marks, Patents, Copy Rights, Trade Secrets and Geographical Indications

CO6: To learn about IPR’s infringements cause serious punishments under various IPR Acts

CO7:To understand the various norms followed in Management of Companies like Appointment/Removal/Duties of  Directors/Board of Directors, conducting valid Meetings and appropriate Resolutionsunder Company Act

CO8:To discern the various modes of winding up of company among students and interpret the consequences of winding up of the company on various stakeholders

CO9: To sense a one stop solution of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Act, 2016

CO10:To develop a sense of moral judgements among students through assimilation of various above Acts


Course Description:  
This  course is a 5 credit course with 62 sessions to familiarize students with banking and  financial services (fund based and non fund based) offered by commercial banks and investment banks in  a lucid manner .