Courses for Students of Section A

Objectives: To gain knowledge of india's foreign trade procedures, policies, and international institutions.

Course Outcomes:-

CO1:   Recognise difference between the domestic and foreign trade and the documents used in foreign trade

CO2:  Understand the structure of Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment.

CO3:  Comprehend the Trade Policy reference to Export and Import Policy impact on the economic growth and development of a country. 

CO4: Understand the formation of the Trade Blocs like SAARC, BRICS, ASEAN, FTA etc and their role in regional growth and co-operation by removing various trade barriers and possess the knowledge of  WTO and multilateral lending agencies.

Course Overview: Financial Accounting I

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. Several important concepts will be studied in detail, including: revenue recognition, inventory, long-lived assets and long-term liabilities. The course emphasises the construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and bank reconciliation statement - as well as their interpretation.

 Course Objectives

The course aims to at providing an in-depth knowledge in Finance Accounting concepts, conventions and the role of financial Accounting in the business. Gives a hands-on-experience in the process of learning the financial Accounting and know-how to prepare the financial statements.

Course Outcomes

CO-1: Demonstrate the basic concepts and conventions of accounting and its branches

CO-2: Prepare the financial statements with relevant adjustments

CO-3: Able to rectify the errors in accounting and account for depreciation on fixed assets

CO-4: Able to reconcile the differences in bank passbook and cash book

CO-5: Examine the nature of subsidiary books


Course Description

Management and analysis of basic management functions:  Planning, Organizing,Leading, Directing, and Controlling for establishing and accomplishing business objectives.  This is a five credit course with five hours of teaching per week.

Course Objective

To facilitate a better understanding of the theoretical concepts of Organisations and the processes of Managements.

Course Outcome

CO1: Students be cognizant of earning profit through achieving social, economic& national objectives.

CO2: Students can catch the drift of various CSR initiatives in economic and social development.

CO3: Students envisage on various factors like contribution of capital, risk bearing capacity, liability etc., which influence while selecting their own choice suitable form of Business Organization.

CO4: Students know the meaning, types of Promoters and personal traits required to become a successful promoter.

CO5: Students understand the complex legal procedure involved in promotion of a Joint Stock Company.

CO6: Students be conscious of legal implications involved while drafting the important documents (MOA, AOA & Prospectus) in promotion of a Company.


General English Semester-1


CO1     Read short fiction, identify the various elements of a short story and write their own stories.                                     

CO2     Improve their pronunciation with the help of phonemic transcription.                                        

CO3     Figure out the etymological origins of English words by learning Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes and learn to spell correctly.                                      

CO4     Distinguish the subtle differences in meaning and articulation in homonyms, homographs & homophones                                   

CO5     Learn the different types of nouns, pronouns, auxiliary and main verbs.                                      

CO6     Be acquainted with the rules of punctuation concerning capitalization, commas, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.                                                

CO7     Gain verbal competence in practicing how to introduce oneself in formal situation, describing one’s college and course of study, sustaining cordial conversations and leaving a voice mail.                                      

CO8     Read passages about the local culture, practices, history and personages of Telangana.                                              

CO9     Enhance their writing skills by learning how to draft paragraphs, sequencing sentences into coherent passages, describing something or someone in writing and writing a dialogue.                                            

CO10   Hone their soft skills and imbibe valuable life lessons to steer their course of life.