Courses for Students of Section B

COURSE: BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS                                                        COURSE CODE: AECC 2

SEMESTER: II                                                                                               CREDITS: 2

DISCIPLINE: B.COM (GENERALS – SECTION B)                                     MAX MARKS: 50 (40U+10I)



1)     To impart the basic level of understanding of working of a computer and its usage.

2)     To understand the concept of computer networks and communication system.

3)     To equip students with the efficient use of information technology.



Upon learning this course students will be able to understand:

CO1)     the student will be able to exhibit proficiency in a core set of applications, viz., Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

CO2)    the students will be able to apply writing skills in preparing and presenting documents.

CO3)    the student will be able to discuss key hardware terminology and hardware functionality.

CO4)    the student will be able to demonstrate competency in using PC operating systems and using the Internet as a search tool.

CO5)    the students will learn concept of computer networks and communication system.


SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: All evaluations are conducted as per the norm of Osmania University. These are two components of evaluations: Internal – 10 Marks, External –40 Marks
There will be 2 internal examinations during the semester as per the schedule of Osmania University. At the end of each semester, final external examination will be conducted by Osmania University.
Pattern of Internal Examination Schedule/Date is decided by the University.Each Internal Examination is of 10 Marks. Final Marks of internal examination is the average of two internal exams of 10 marks. Questions are of objective types and conducted and evaluated at the college & by the college.


1.      Computer Fundamentals: P.K.Sinha

2.      Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, Mc GrawHill , 2012.

3.      Using Information Technology, Brian K williams, StaceyC.Sawyer, Tata Mc GrawHill.


CO1:To make students understand about meaning and importance of law system in India

CO2:To make students learn about laws relatinG to business since every commerce student must have an idea about it

CO3: To make students aware about few important benchmark cases in law relating to business

CO4:To make students well acquainted about legal binding and legality

CO5:To help students make assignments on topics allotted to them

CO6:To develop a sense of moral judgements in students

CO7:To make student capable of deciding what is right and wrong

CO8:To help student understand in dealing in contracts and agreements

CO9:To make them understand about IPRs

CO10:To make them understand about identifying threats in business contracts