Courses for Students of Section B

Course descriptions:

Principles of General Insurance is a 2 credit course with 26 classes explaining the terms of Insurance, various types of general Insurance available with relevant concepts. 

Course Objective:

To make acquaint of various types of General insurance Products and their contribution in the development of a country

Course Outcomes:

CO1  Students apprehend the various products and their significance of General Insurance
CO2  Students know the prospects of Indian and International General Insurance Market
CO3  Students realize the  statutory requirements and procedure to be followed while filling the  various General Insurance policy forms and documents
CO4  Students will understand the role of underwriters & Actuaries  in fixing the premiums by Risk Sharing and Risk Management techniques
CO5 Students understand the process and documents necessary for different types of claims. 
CO6 Students also learn about the frauds, fraud prevention and different types of reserves of Insurance Companies

Course descriptions: The course is designed to provide in-depth study of auditing principles, concepts, and practices as it applies mainly to business and investors.

Course objective: To understand meaning and elements of auditing and gain knowledge for execution of audit.

Course Outcome:

CO1) Students will understand how the concept of auditing was evolved and how it has been helping organisations

CO2) Students will learn who is the right person to conduct audit, what are his qualifications and disqualifications

CO3) Students will learn what are internal controls in an organisation and how are they helpful for smooth running of an organisation

CO4) Students will learn what is internal audit how is it helpful in betterment of an organisation

CO5) Students will learn what are the various types of audit and which type of audit is adopted in different kinds of an organisation

CO6) Students will learn difference between vouching, verification and valuation and their importance in auditing

Course Objective: To provide an overview of Indian economy
To make the student acquaint with the latest developments in the economy
CO1 Understand the meaning, importance and structure of the Indian economy.      
CO2 Know the concept of human development with concept and measures      
CO3 Understand the geographical distribution of natural resources in India       
CO4 They would learn and gain knowledge about LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization)  
CO5 They would be well equipped with the knowledge about poverty in India, Parallel economy and industrial policy.  

Course Description: 

Accounting Standard is 5 Credit course with 65 Session for the semester. Accounting standards are rules and guidelines set up by governing bodies to keep accounting practices consistent and understandable across all companies and industries

Course Objective: The course has been designed to make students equipped with M.S Excel which is one of the widely used tool. Students will learn how to start working with M S Excel right from basics to Tables, Templates and Printing of their work.

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course students will be able to:

CO1) Learn what accounting standards are and their role in preparing Financial Statements.

CO2) Learn which concerns should follow AS and to what extent AS are applicable to an organisation.

CO3) Get an overview of AS followed in India.

CO4) Learn and understand difference between AS and Ind AS and need for adopting Ind AS over AS. An overview of existing Ind AS will also be given.

CO5) Understand how AS in India stay at par with that of global standards and need for the same is discussed.

CO6) Understand accounting for provisions and relevance for disclosures.

CO7)Brief insight in various accounting standards

CO8) Learn how cost of specified asset and depreciation thereafter is accounted for in FS.


Cost Accounting is a 4 credit course with 52 sessions. The course enables the students to acquire the concepts of Cost Accounting.


The major objective of the course is to make the students acquire the knowledge of Cost Accounting Methods.


 CO1) Express the place and role of cost accounting in the modern economic environment

CO2) Identify the specifics of different costing methods.

CO3) Apply Costing Concepts in their business and cost related areas.

CO4) Emphasis will be placed upon the application of cost accounting theory in the solution of problems.

CO5) Explain the similarities and differences between job order cost and process cost systems and determine who uses each.

CO6) Apply activity-based costing to service industries.

CO7) Appear confidently for Cost Accounting based college / Professional Course Examinations.

COURSE SUMMARY: Business Law encompasses all the laws that dictate how to form and run a business. It deals with the laws on the basis of which every deal between people and commercial forms are governed

COURSE OBJECTIVE:  To make the students acquire basic conceptual knowledge of different laws relating to Business.



Ø  CO1: Students discern the evolution of Business Law and Indian Contract Act,1872

Ø  CO2: Students knew the different types of business contracts existing under the Indian Contract Act,1872

Ø  CO3: Students assimilate the various modes of  discharge of contract

Ø  CO4: Students learn the various modes of breach of contract and remedies available under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Ø  CO5: Students understand the difference between Contract of Sale and Agreement to sell

Ø  CO6: Students analyze the vital role of Consumer Forums at various levels in solving consumer disputes through Consumer Protection Act

Ø  CO7: Students acquaint with the norms and procedure to register the trade Marks, Patents and Copy Rights

Ø  CO8: Students infer the duration, renewal procedure of Trade Marks, Copy Rights, & Patents and Copy Rights Infringement Punishments

Ø  CO9:  Students learn the significance and evolution of IT Act and to give legal recognition, Penalties and adjudication to any transaction which is done by electronic way or use of internet

CO10: Students recognize the aim of Environmental Protection Act to protect from pollution and maintaining ecological balance for sustainable development


The paper deals with various aspects of Banking theory and practice in  a lucid language