Second Semester





•         Describe the organization and operation of a computer processor, primary and secondary memory, peripheral devices and to give computer specifications.

•         Explain the representation of data and information in computer systems.

•         Use standard word, and spreadsheets, graphics generation packages.

•         An introduction to the fundamentals of hardware, software and programming.

•         To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge to understand digital electronics circuits.

•         To analysis and design of various digital electronic circuits.





CO1: The students will be able to study the fundamental concepts of computers

CO2:  The students will be able to study the operating systems, programming languages, peripheral devices, networking, multimedia and internet .

CO3: The students will be able to study binary ,hexadecimal and octal number systems and their arithmetic .

CO4: the students will be able to study  how logic circuits and Boolean algebra forms as the basics of digital computer.

CO5: The students will be able to simplify the Boolean expressions using karnaugh map .

CO6:The students will be able to study the computer software, system software ,firmware ,middleware, acquiring computer software.

CO7:The student will be able to design and implementation of correct, efficient and maintainable programs.





  1. To Design circuits using ideal diodes (rectifier, limiter).
  2. To analyze diode circuits that includes R, C, and ideal op amps. Determine the bias conditions.
  3.  To graphically analyze diode-resistor circuits.
  4. To comprehend the pn junction and how it works.
  5. To comprehend diode data sheets.


1.      To identify two different types of transistors by their symbology and alphanumeric designations.

2.       To properly bias an NPN transistor in a circuit configuration.

3.      To list the precautions to be taken when working with transistors and describe ways to test them.

4.      To explain how the transistor can be used in digital logic.

5.      To observe how a transistor functions in a simple circuit

6.       To understand amplification—that a small current at the input of a transistor controls a larger current at its output


1.      To describe the switching action of MOSFET’s;

2.      To show that MOSFET’s have a very high input resistance;

3.      To perform calculations on MOSFET switching circuits;

4.      To compare the performance of MOSFET and transistor switches

5.      To understand the operation and characteristics of silicon controlled rectifiers.

6.      To understand the performance parameters of controlled rectifiers.

7.      To learn the techniques for analysing and design of controlled rectifier circuits.


 1. To Study, perform, demonstrate and plot the V – I Characteristics Uni – Junction Transistor ( UJT ).

2. To  Determination:

                      *          Intrinsic stand – off ratio

                      *          Peak point emitter voltage

                      *          Peak point emitter current

                      *          Valley point emitter voltage

                      *          Valley point emitter current

                      *          Emitter Saturation Voltage.

3. To Comparison of characteristics of different modes.

4. To Investigate UJT’s unique application as a relaxation oscillator and observe the saw tooth & pulse waveforms.






CO1:  The students will be able to plot the VI characteristics of all diodes and can design a p-n junction structure given required electrical performance and compare the experimental data to the theoretical curve of the diodes.

CO2: The students will be able to use the scanned-load-line methods to obtain the I-V characteristic of the BJTs

CO3: The students will be able to design and implement single-stage BJT amplifiers and observe amplitude and frequency response.

CO4: The students will be able to calculate the terminal currents : IEICIB

CO5: The students will be able to describe the basic FET structure/operation by channel types (n or p), and by the presence/absence of conduction channel 

CO6: The students will be able to calculate the threshold voltage (VT) of MOS structures and explain how VT can be controlled

CO7: The students will be able to describe the structures and the operating principles of JFETs, MOSFETs and design a MOSFET structure given required electrical performance

CO8: The students will be able to draw practically the characteristics of SCR and UJT and will be able to explain the operating principles, structures, electrical characteristics of various optoelectronic devices like:LEDs, photo detectors , solar cells


Course Objective

1. Enrich the knowledge of solving differential equations of first order and higher order.

2. Formulate and solve partial differential equations.

Course Outcomes


Find the solution of differential equations of first order and first degree by exact,

 integrating and change of variables method


Apply total differentiation for differential equations


Solve the differential equations of first order but not first degree by Clairaut’s and solvable for x or y


Apply first order differential equations to solve real time applications


Solve the differential equations of higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients


Solve the differential equations of higher order non homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients


Solve the differential equations of higher order linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients


Solve the partial differential equations of the type linear equations by Lagrange’s method.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to provide a classroom and laboratory environment that enables students to develop basic skills in object oriented programming and to gain experience in the C++  programming.  This course will prepare the student to learn advanced topics in C++.

Course Outcome:-

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

CO1: Understand the difference between the top-down and bottom-up approach

CO2: Apply the concepts of object-oriented programming

CO3: To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.

CO4: To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse

CO5: To understand the concept of data abstraction and encapsulation.

CO6: To learn how to overload functions and operators in C++.

CO7: To learn how inheritance and virtual functions implement dynamic binding with polymorphism.

CO8: To learn how to use exception handling in C++ programs.