Final Semester

This course offers an in-depth understanding of advertising and the concepts related to it, focusing mainly on equipping the learners to learn, understand, and process the core idea of advertising, importance of visual media in advertising, and its relevance with the current market. The structure of the course is designed in a manner that allows the learners to get an overview of advertising as a platform to pursue higher studies in it.

Course code


Course type


Course Title

General English

Teaching hours per week – Theory

 3 hours ( 3 credits)

1.      Instructor-In-charge              :         

         Email ID                                   :           

         About the Instructor


2.      Course Details

Course Summary

The course addresses the English language needs of the students at the undergraduate level. The focus will be upon four categories: Prose, Poetry, Vocabulary, and Grammar.  In addition to these the last unit focuses upon the Chronological and Functional CV writing. An effective CV would help students in getting selected for the interview. Unit two focuses on the theme of gender have been included in the syllabus to highlight the need for gender equality. A special note to the teachers is also added to the unit to help them with the necessary theoretical and contextual background.

Course Objectives:

1. The students should gain and furnish LSRW skills through poetry, prose, grammar and vocabulary material. 

2.  The course should provide value-based ideas and critical thinking skills through important social, ecological and cultural themes in the material.

Course Outcomes:

The students will be able to:

CO1: Read, interpret and analyze the implicit and explicit layers of meaning embedded in a poem.

CO2: Identify poetic devices and the usage of unfamiliar language structure in poetry.

CO3: Become more empathetic and question the various forms of discrimination that exist in a society based upon caste, race, gender, and culture, etc.

CO4: Engage enlightenment values (liberty, equality and fraternity) and the idea of the secular nation versus a nation composite of various groups divided on the basis of the region, caste, creed, and language.

CO5: Understand the benefits/ lessons we get from failure.

CO6: To create awareness among students on Gender sensitivity.

CO7: Facilitate usage of Gender neutral language.

CO8: Train them for job preparedness.



Poem: Television by Roald Dahl, Prose: The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination by JK Rowling, Vocabulary: One-word substitutes, Grammar: Relative clauses


Poem: Accomplishments by Elizabeth Ralph Mertz, Prose: Third Suggestion by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Vocabulary: Formal and Informal Vocabulary, Grammar: Sentence Types


CV Writing: Chronological CV, Functional CV, Vocabulary: Appropriacy, Grammar: Common errors

Text book:

English In Action (CBCS Prescribed Textbook for Degree Third Year Osmania Universities)

General guidelines for students:

1. Come prepared to learn new concepts

2. Be in time for class

3. Respect Faculty and her/his peers

4. Come with the Textbooks the notebook and the necessary stationery

5. Perform and submit the assigned tasks

6. Submit assignments on time

The term "contemporary literature" refers to a vast group of written works produced from a specific time in history through the current age. This course will offer a close study of works by world-renowned authors from the 1900's to the present. The course will emphasize on analyzing and interpreting selected texts using the theoretical conventions of modernism, postmodernism, gender, postcolonialism and absurdity.