Fourth Semester

Course Description

The course English Fiction exposes the students to different sub genres of novel and also to the short stories. Unit 1 has various concepts in fictional narratives of the novel-- allegorical, gothic, historical, picaresque  etc. Units 2-4 have novels capturing the different varieties in each of the units. Robinson Crusoe is a historical novel that exposes the reader to the travelogue of the protagonist. The narrative in Pride and Prejudice, a romance novel, connects with the psyche of adolescent minds as it also features realism-- traits of the ordinary and everyday. George Orwell's Animal Farm is an allegorical novel that exposes the students to history, Russia and Soviet Union under the Communist Party rule. Apart from the above mentioned novels, the two short stories in Unit 5 give the students wider scope to appreciate fiction and also gain insights of human behaviour and other tendencies.

The chosen texts can be used as a pretext to meet a variety of real life  needs: give and seek literary criticism, express opinions, engage with practical, emotional, intellectual and creative aspects of language by integrating knowledge and skills.


Unit 1

Types of Fiction

a. Allegorical

b. Epistolary

c. Gothic

d. Historical

e. Picaresque

f. Psychological

Unit II

Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe

Unit III

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Unit IV

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Unit V

Short Stories

"The Man Who Would Be King" by Rudyard Kipling

"The Adventure of the Speckled Band" by Arthur Conan Doyle