First Semester

The course addresses the English language needs of the students at the undergraduate level and it also acknowledges their critical thinking skills. The text exposes the students to a range of contexts where the language is used to meet a variety of real life communication needs, to give and seek information, to express opinions, and to engage with practical, emotional, intellectual and creative aspects of language by integrating knowledge and skills. The book emphasizes on the use rather than the usage, on how the English language is used rather than how it should be used. Each chapter is organized in such a way that it creates a lot of involvement and encouragement to the learner. 

The syllabus has been designed to develop linguistic and communicative competence of undergraduate students. It includes four genres- Short fiction, prose, poetry and drama. The major part of each lesson is devoted to remedial language learning which includes pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. The focus is on the skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking The teacher also asks questions to stimulate classroom discussion and based on these discussions the students will be made to write short paragraphs /essays, participate in group discussions as part of continuous assessment.