Final Semester

Course Objective: The course will focus upon the critical thinking faculties of the students concerning academic, linguistic, social, literary and ethical concepts and enable students to hone English language skills for the professional world.

Course Description

English in action is a prescribed textbook for third year General English courses from the academic year 2021-2022. The selection has been guided by three broad criteria : readability, teachability and testability of the texts. The syllabus addresses the specific needs of the final year students who are about to encounter the workings of the English language in the real world. The course now has significant features. Two units , one in each SEM V and SEM VI, focusing on the theme of gender have been included in the syllabus to highlight the need for gender equality. The two -theme based units contain texts that engage the student's attention as much by their fine use of language as by their stipulating ideas.

The syllabus in general and two units in particular seek to equip the students with the necessary language skills while acknowledging their critical thinking capabilities. The exercises and the pre-reading and post-reading activities that supplement the main texts are designed to draw the students into the text, make them read the text with understanding and insight, and encourage them to think beyond the text.


UNIT IV: Poem- Television(Roald Dahl); Prose-The Fringe benefits of Failure and The Importance of Imagination(JK Rowling); Vocabulary-One word substitutes; Grammar - Relative clauses

UNIT V:Poem: Accomplishments(Elizabeth Mertz);Prose- Third Suggestion(Chimamanda Adichie);Vocabulary: Formal and Informal Vocabulary; Grammar- Types of sentences

UNIT VI: CV Writing: Chronological CV, Functional CV; Vocabulary: Appropriacy; Grammar: Common errors in English

Course Outcomes

CO 1. Read and interpret and analyze the implicit and explicit layers of meaning embedded in a poem.

CO 2. Identify poetic devices and the uncommon use of language in poetry and discover the pleasure of reading.

CO 3.  Become more  confident and not be afraid of failure. Enhance one's skills to add more value to their work. 

CO 4. Become more empathetic and question discrimination of gender that is prevailing in the society and promote gender equality.

CO 5. Understand the need for the English to be adapted to the local cultural contexts of India.

CO 6. Learn and use, formal and informal vocabulary, one word substitutes and appropriacy of language.

CO 7. Improve language skills by learning types of sentences, use relative clauses and common errors in English.

CO 8. Develop better writing skills and be able to write reviews and CVs.

Instructor:   Mr. K.T.Srinivas , (Assistant Professor , Political Science) M.A, M.phil, UGC( NET).  Since 2003 , teaching Political Science for under - graduate  students at ST.Marys. Expert in guiding students for UPSC and TSPSC  exams. total 27 years of teaching experience guiding students preparing for UPSC ,TSPC  exams and under-graduate students.    

  Objectives of the study:

·     Enable the student of Political Science  to enrich  his knowledge  on the topics expressed by the thinkers..

·       India is a democratic country.  Hence it becomes the responsibility of  every citizen to know   the ideas of liberty , equality , totalitarianism expressed by these thinkers.

·       To raise them as competent individuals conscious of their ethical responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties and laws prevailing in the system.

·       To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

·       Course outcomes;


By  the end of  the course, the student will be able  to


CO1   :Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of

The origin and growth of the concept  of liberty and totalitarianism

CO2   : Understanding the benefits  derived by the citizen from

            the concepts of liberty  , equality and totalitarianism.              .

CO3   :  Understanding the relevance   the concepts of liberty  , equality and totalitarianism. 

CO4    : Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of the

             Origin and growth of  women movements across the world.

CO5:Understand the  various laws  associated with the welfare of women

CO6      :Helps   students who want to pursue their

                Career in studying political science  after graduation.


Social Movements.


Name: Mr.K.T.Srinivas

 Assistant Professor of Political Science(19 years experience).

MODULE-1   INTRODUCTION to Social movements

Social movements, meaning, nature and Significance.

Rise of Social movements.

Issues in Social movements : Depravation, Identity , Justice, Assertion.

Objectives of the study:

·       To help students prepare and understand  the meaning , nature and significance of social movements.

·       To raise them as competent individuals conscious of their ethical responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties.

·       To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

·       To be employed as specialists, managers and entrepreneurs with utmost respect to lifelong learning.

Course outcomes;.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1   : Understand the various definitions, given by various  authors on Social Movements.

CO2    : Understand the various stages of evolution of  Social Movements.                   

CO3    : Understand the scope of study of Social Movements.

CO4    : Understand the Issue of Deprivation  in Social Movements.

CO5    : Understand the Issue of Identity in Social Movements.

CO6    : Understand the Issue of Justice in Social Movements.

CO7     : Understand Issue of Assertion in Social Movements.

Module-II: Social Reform Movements

 Anti - Brahmin Movement :Ramaswamy Naicker and Narayana Guru.

Backward classes movements in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana , and Tamil Nadu.

Women's movements.

· Objectives of the study:

The social reform movements tried in the main to achieve two objectives   

1)Enable the present day student generation Understand the suffering of the deprived classes.

 (2) emancipation of women and extension of equal rights to them 

 (3) removal of caste rigidities and in particular the abolition of untouchability

Course outcomes;.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1   : Understand the causes responsible for rise of Social movements.

CO2    : Understand the various stages of of Social movements.

CO3    : Understand the impact of of Social movements on  society.

CO4    : Bring awareness  among  BCs ,SCs and STs about the exploitation carried out by Brahmin community on them.

CO5    : Understand the impact of backward class  movements impact on the political power of the state.

CO6    : Understand the impact of the backward class  movements impact on the Society.

.CO7     : Understand causes responsible for the rise of women movements.

CO8     : Understand the  results and benefits accrued by women by the women  movements .


·       Module–III Agrarian Movements.

Bharat Kisan Union.

Shetkari Sanghatana.

Karnataka Rajya Rythu Sangha.


·       Objectives of the study:

·     “The objective of the Kisan movement is to secure

1) compelete  freedom from economic exploitation

 2) the achievement of full economic  for the peasants and workers and all the other exploited classes.

  3) the achievement of full  political power for the peasants and workers and all the other exploited classes.

·       Course outcomes;.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to

·       CO1   : Understand the causes responsible for agrarian movements     

·       CO2    : Understand the impact of  agrarian movements on political parties.

·       CO3    : Understand the problems of the peasant community

·        CO4    : Understand the  benefits going to accrue to the peasant community.

·       CO5    : Understand the impact of agrarian movements on rural India.

Module-IV. Environmental movements.

·     Chipko moement.

Narmada Bacho Andholan.

·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable a student to understand the importance of environmental movements.


Enable a student  the significance of  Having a  clean environment

Enable a student to have no polluted surroundings

  Course outcomes;

By the end of the course, the student will be able to

·       CO1   : Understand the various issues associated with environmental movements

·       CO2    : Understand the role of environmental movements in protecting the environment

·       CO3    : Understand the role of  vested interests who are damaging the environment.

·       CO4    : Understand the various struggles  undergone by environmentalists in leading the movements.

·       CO5    : Understand the impact of these environmental movements on National and regional governments.

CO6    : Understand the contribution made by these movements to restore the environment.

·       .CO7     : Understand the inspiration they provided to launch these movements in different parts of India.

·     Module-5 Assertion Movements.

Adivasi movement- Jharkhand 

Dalit movements in Maharashtra, Telangana  and Andhra Pradesh.

Naxalite Movement in  Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Chalttisgarh.

 Objectives of the study:

·       Enable a student to understand the importance of Assertion movements.

·      The major objective of this module is to introduce the issues of Dalit and Backward class assertions as well as movements to a learner. 

A historical overview of these movements is also done to capture the social reality that gave rise to these movements

  Course outcomes;

By the end of the course, the student will be able to

·       CO1   : Understand the various issues associated with Assetion movements

·       CO2    : Understand the role of Assertion movements in protecting the Adivasi interest.

·       CO3    : Understand the role of  vested interests who are harrassing the Dalits.

·       CO4    : Understand the various struggles  undergone by Dalit leaders in leading the movements.

·       CO5    : Understand the impact of these Dalit movements on National and regional governments.

CO6    : Understand the contribution made by these movements to solve the dalits problems.

·       .CO7     : Understand the inspiration they provided to launch these movements in different parts of India.