Fifth Semester

Course Objective: This course offers a theoretical overview of the  concepts, isms and the cases associated with development communication. The primary aim is to study the thematic linkages between media and development and their functional implications for less developed countries. Navigating through key strategies, issues and barriers, it also allows the study of development paradigms through the usage of media tools. The engagement is on the basis of dialogue and delivery while we explore the topics together through focused lectures, readings, screenings & group discussions.

Course Outcome: By the end of this course, the student should-

1.    Acquire in-depth knowledge about the theories and models of development, and the critical concepts of development communication.

2.    Evaluate the impact of active media tools on the evolution process of development in developing countries.

3.    Reflect upon the works (reportage, research papers, books and documentary films) of critical practitioners in the sector for a holistic understanding of issues & contexts through a development diary.

4.  Deliver written and audio-visual presentations in terms of student term papers & short documentaries to effectively justify their engagement with the course of studies.

5.    Develop an understanding to compare & analyze the theories in different socio-cultural and political contexts to create further scholarship in future.


Course Description

The syllabus focuses on process of writing. Topics such as topic specific language, transfer of information from graphs and pie charts and understanding organization of texts help in this regard. Kinds of letters and nuances in this form are also dealt with in detail. Writing Project Proposals and Statement of Purpose are means to master writing for specific purposes as these. Writing different types of reports- the purpose and methodology involved in writing too is very much emphasized.


●       To train students in basic writing skills

●       To strengthen the sub skills  of writing

●       To help students achieve proficiency in writing

Course Outcomes:

  By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1. Write for multiple purposes

CO2.Become proficient in the mechanics of writing

CO3. Respond to and appreciate different kinds of writing

CO.4. Understand the functions of essays and different kinds of reports and be able to demonstrate the skills required for writing them

CO5. Develop different strategies needed for guided writing

CO6. Demonstrate knowledge to take tests and University examinations




Name of the Faculty:  Mr. K.T.Srinivas.

Assistant Professor of Political Science.  (17 Years Experience)                                                         

MODULE-1   Rule of law and the criminal justice system in India


·       Rule of law

·       Criminal Justice system in India.

·       Objectives of the study:

·       India is a democratic country.  Hence it becomes the responsibility of every citizen to know the concept of Rule of law, its origin, and benefits derived from it.

·       India is a democratic country.  Hence it becomes the responsibility of every citizen to know   the various laws associated with and operation of laws in the criminal justice system of India.

·       To raise them as competent individuals conscious of their ethical responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties and laws prevailing in the system.

·       To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

·       Course outcomes;


By  the end of  the course, the student will be able  to


CO1   :Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of    

            The origin and growth of the concept Rule of law.

CO2   : Understanding the benefits  derived by the citizen from

             The concept rule of law.              .

CO3   :  Understanding the relevance   of Rule of law in a


CO4    : Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of the

             Origin and growth of criminal justice system in India. CO5     : Understand the various laws associated with the                           Criminal justice system in India

CO6      : Helps students who want to pursue their

                Career in law after graduation.


Module-II: Laws relating to criminal justice administration.

·       Syllabus:  

·       How to file a complaint.

·       First information report.

·       Detention, arrest and bail.


·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable the present day student to understand the procedures in  filing  a complaint  in various  government  departments

·       This   chapter brings to the notice of the students the relevance of the concepts detention, Arrest and Bail.


Course outcomes;


By the end of the course, the student will be able to


CO1   :Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of    

            The relevance of filing a complaint of  redressal

           Of his grievance.

CO2   : Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of

            The relevance of First information report.

CO3   : Demonstrate  a broad and  deep understanding of

            The terms detention, arrest and bail.

CO4    : Distinguish between a Detention and arrest.

CO5    : Distinguish between arrest and a bail.

CO6    : Helps students who want to pursue a career

              In law after graduation.


Module–III. Equality and Non-discrimination


·       Gender: the protection of women against domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment.

·       Caste; Laws abolishing untouchability and providing protection against atrocities.

·       Class: Laws concerning minimum wages.

·       Disability and equality of participation and opportunity.


·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable a student to understand the  various types of

Social evils like domestic violence, rape and sexual

Harassment happening in our society against women.

·       Enable  a student to understand how the  caste system,

Untouchability, atrocities on minorities, is hindering

Indian society in its social development.



Course outcomes;


By the end of the course, the student will be able to


CO1   :Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of    

            The inequality of gender and measures to ensure

            Gender equality in Indian society.

CO2    : Enable  the students about  various laws operating

              On domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment.

CO3    : Enable  a student to understand the relevance  and

             Role of the caste  in Indian politics and Indian



CO4    : Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of the

             Concept of untouchability, and the efforts of various

             Governments to eradicate it.


CO5     : Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of the

               Various laws related to minimum wages of workers.

CO6     : Understand the various laws made by government

               To ensure equality in society.

.Module-IV: Empowerment.


·       Access to information.

·       Right of the consumer.


Objectives of the study.

·       Enable a student to understand the whole process of 

        Of access to right to information, from the concerned

         Departments of the government.

·       Enable a Student to understand how the  various laws

 Related to rights of the consumers in India.


Course outcomes;


By the end of the course, the student will be able to


CO1: Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of    

                  Importance of right to information to the citizen

                  From the government.


CO2    : To enable a student to understand how

              The right to information act helps  him to get know the

              Details from the government.

CO3     : Enable the student understand the various laws made

            By the Governments  to protect the consumer


CO4    : Enable  a student   to understand  the procedure of

             redressal With  the consumer courts.

CO5    : Brings awareness among the students   to verify the

              Information given by politicians is correct or not.

CO6     : For students who want to do law as their carrier ,this

              Chapter is very useful.

Module V.  Redistribution, recognition and livelihood.


·       Traditional rights of forest dwellers and issues of women’s property rights.

·       Rural employment guarantee.

Objectives of the study:

·       Enables    the student   to Understand rights of forest dwellers and  the issues associated with women’s property rights.

·       Have  a deep understanding of  the various  Rural employment  guarantee programmes designed by central

And state governments to help the rural poor.



Course outcomes.



By the end of the course, the student will be able  to


CO1   : Understand  how  forest dwellers  suffered for decades ,

            In the hands of smugglers  who fell  trees and made

            Huge money.


CO2    : To enable  a student understand to understand how

              Deforestation contributed to global warming and

              Environmental degradation.

CO3     : Enable the student understand  the various laws made

               By Governments  to protect  the forests and forest


CO4    :  Demonstrate a deep understanding of women”

               Property rights.

 CO5     : Enable a student to know the purpose of various

               Rural employment guarantee programmes designed

                By governments to help the rural poor.

CO6       : Understand to what extent the rural guarantee

                 Programmes helped to reduce poverty in India.


Module-VI. Access to identification documents and social      

                       Security schemes.


·       Familiarize yourself  with the following

·       Procedure of obtaining an election commission of India Identity card,

·       Driving license, Ration card

·       Rastriya Swastiya  Bhima Yojana

·       Old age pension scheme.



Objectives of the study.

·       Enables  a student  to the procedures of obtaining  an

 Electoral card, ration card and  a Driving license.

·       Understand the purpose of the programmes like  Rastriya  swastiya  Bhima Yojana, and old age pension schemes.


Course outcomes.



By the end of  the course, the student will be able  to


CO1   : Understand  procedure of obtaining  an electoral card,

            From election commission of India.



CO2    : To enable  a student understand the procedure to     

              Obtaining a Driving  license from transport department.


CO3     : To enable  a student understand the procedure to     

              obtaining a Ration card from civil supplies   


CO4    :  To enable a student understand the procedure to     

              Obtaining   a Aadar card from  Government of India

 CO5     : To enable a student understand the salient features

        Of Rastriya Swastiya  Bhima Yojana.

CO6       : To enable a student understand the salient features

        Old age pension scheme.



Course overview: This course offers an in-depth knowledge of advertising and the concepts related to it, focusing mainly on equipping the learners to learn, understand, and process the core idea of advertising, importance of visual media in advertising, and its relevance with the current market. The structure of the course is designed in a manner that allows the learners to get an overview of advertising as a platform to pursue higher studies in it.

 Course learning and outcomes: By the end of the course, the student will-

CO1  Gain an in-depth understanding of advertising and also be able to write scripts for advertisements

CO2  Be able to analyse and create advertisements

CO3 Be able to research on the process of making an advertisement

CO4  Understand the relation between marketing, advertising and public relations

CO5 Watch videos on advertisements with a learning perspective towards the subject matter

CO6  Read and understand the prescribed research articles and research papers

 CO7 Become more attentive and pragmatic towards advertisements