Fifth Semester


●       To train students in basic writing skills

●       To strengthen the sub skills  of writing

●       To help students achieve proficiency in writing

Course Outcomes:

  By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1. Write for multiple purposes

CO2.Become proficient in the mechanics of writing

CO3. Respond to and appreciate different kinds of writing

CO.4. Understand the functions of essays and different kinds of reports and be able to demonstrate the skills required for writing them

CO5. Develop different strategies needed for guided writing

CO6. Demonstrate knowledge to take tests and University examinations

The Class and the Instructor

Name of the Faculty: J.Michael Preetham,

Head-Department of English and Languages

Subject:  Professional Writing Skills (Discipline Specific Elective)                 

Class: BA -III

No of lectures per week: 4                                     Branch:  BA Vocational

No of Credits:4



Section II: The Course

The course addresses the core skills of English language. It caters to the demands of Business English, Writing to succeed and also some competencies, which need specific training and practice. The units are prepared in alignment with the CBCS English curriculum with an objective to enable youngsters to excel in all forms of English Communication in the professional world. The Course trains them in purpose driven writing. It also strengthens the writing skills for specific purposes. It aims at helping students achieve proficiency in writing.


Course Description

The syllabus focuses on process of writing. Topics such as topic specific language, transfer of information from graphs and pie charts and understanding organization of texts help in this regard. Kinds of letters and nuances in this form are also dealt with in detail. Writing Project Proposals and Statement of Purpose are means to master writing for specific purposes as these. Writing different types of reports- the purpose and methodology involved in writing too is very much emphasized.


Course Outcomes:


The students will be able to:

·       Identify and use topic specific language to improve the style and quality of writing.

·       Understand the organization of texts and create diagram and outline.

·       Transfer information from graphs and pie charts.

·       Analyze the information from graphs and pie charts.

·       Differentiate between different types of letters and understand their significance.

·       Write descriptions and specifications.

·       Write project proposals and SOPs.

·       Write different types of Reports.

·       Understand the clear demarcation, similarities and uses of each of these reports.


Process of Writing-Identifying the topic-topic specific language

Understanding the organization of texts-creating diagram an outline

Transfer of information from graphs and pie charts




Letters/ e-mail writing- Kinds of Letters

Order Letters, Complaint Letters

Inter Office Memos


Unit -III


Writing descriptions and specifications

Writing Project Proposals

Writing for Specific Purposes- SOP


Unit -IV


Technical Writing- Elements of a formal Report

Types of Reports- Progress Reports, Completion Reports, Review Reports and Feasibility Reports