First Semester

Course Objective


Determine the maxima and minima of functions by using partial differential equations


Use integration to find the volume and surfaces of revolution.

Course Outcomes


Understand the basic concepts of the partial differential equations


Apply Euler’s method for homogenous function


Apply total differentials for functions of several variables


Apply maxima and minima for functions of two variables and Lagrange’s method of multipliers.


Apply numerical measure for the curvature of a curve at a particular point


Apply envelopes for family of curves


Determine the length of the curves in Cartesian and polar form.


Understand the concept of partition and sum applies to the areas of volumes and surfaces of revolution

  To give a brief introduction to the basic computer as well as the programming fundamentals.The course mainly focuses on C programming language which is used to develop multitude of applications, including advanced scientific systems and operating systems. By  learning C, students can become acclimated to the procedural side of the language which gives them fine grained control over anything they may want to build with it.
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  CO 1 : To acquire knowledge about the computer as well as program  fundamentals.
  CO 2: To gather extensive knowledge in C programming, develop program logic which is a fundamental  key to  be a good developer  and develop programming skills.
  CO 3: Illustrate the flowchart and design an algorithm for a given problem  and to develop C programs using operators.
  CO 4: To master the flow control and to write programs using  different control and iterative statements which aids in solving the given problem.
  CO 5 : Implement different Operations on arrays.
  CO 6 : To exercise user defined functions to solve the real time problem.
  CO 7:  To strengthen  the knowledge on advanced concepts like pointers  and to allocate memory using dynamic memory  allocation functions.
  CO 8 :  Inscribe C programs that used the concept of Structure, Union, Enumeration,Files etc.


Course Summary:

This is an introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts of descriptive statistics and probability theory. Topics covered include basic descriptive measures, basic probability theory, random variables, and mathematical expectation.

Course Learning Objectives(CLO):

At the end of this course, students should be able to

Ø  Demonstrate their understanding of descriptive statistics by practical application of quantitative reasoning and data visualization

Ø  Use Excel to conduct statistical analysis

Course Outcomes:

After learning the course the students will be

CO 1: Able to apply fundamental concepts in exploratory data analysis and develop skills in presenting data.

CO 2: Independently calculate basic statistical parameters such as mean, median and mode.

CO 3: Understand the probability theory, basic probability axioms and events.

CO 4: Apply probability theory using Bayes’ Rule.

CO 5: Describe the properties of discrete and continuous distribution functions.

 CO 6: Calculate the mean and variance of a discrete and continuous random variable.

CO 7: Calculate raw and central moments and covariance using mathematical expectation.

CO 8: Understand the concepts of m.g.f, c.g.f and p.g.f and there applications.