Second Semester





•         Describe the organization and operation of a computer processor, primary and secondary memory, peripheral devices and to give computer specifications.

•         Explain the representation of data and information in computer systems.

•         Use standard word, and spreadsheets, graphics generation packages.

•         An introduction to the fundamentals of hardware, software and programming.

•         To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge to understand digital electronics circuits.

•         To analysis and design of various digital electronic circuits.





CO1: The students will be able to study the fundamental concepts of computers

CO2:  The students will be able to study the operating systems, programming languages, peripheral devices, networking, multimedia and internet .

CO3: The students will be able to study binary ,hexadecimal and octal number systems and their arithmetic .

CO4: the students will be able to study  how logic circuits and Boolean algebra forms as the basics of digital computer.

CO5: The students will be able to simplify the Boolean expressions using karnaugh map .

CO6:The students will be able to study the computer software, system software ,firmware ,middleware, acquiring computer software.

CO7:The student will be able to design and implementation of correct, efficient and maintainable programs.

Course  Objective:

      The objective of this course is to provide an understanding for the graduate student on statistical    concepts to include Discrete distributions and continuous distributions and their applications in day    to day life.

Course  Outcomes:

                          By completing this course the student will learn to perform the following:

CO-1       Distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables.

CO-2       Construct various probability distributions for a discrete random variable

CO-3 Determine its mean and variance, and specify the probability that a discrete random                              variable will have a given value or value in a given range.

CO-4  Differentiate between the Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Geometric,                           Hyper Geometric discrete probability distributions and their applications.

CO-5 Understand characteristics about continuous random variables and probability                                      distributions

CO-6 Differentiate between the Normal, Beta, Gamma, Exponential and Cauchy distributions.

CO-7 Use the standard normal distribution and z-scores to determine probabilities associated                      with the normal distribution.

CO-8 Understand the role of area in the normal density function.

CO-9 Understand the relation between a normal random variable and a standard normal random                  variable.

CO-10 Able to perform practical applications of both discrete and continuous distributions

The objective of this course is to provide a classroom and laboratory environment that enables students to develop basic skills in object-oriented programming and to gain experience in the C++ programming.  

Each student is expected to possess the following caliber individually after successful completion of the course.

CO1                      To understand how C++ improves C with object-oriented features.

CO2                      To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.

CO3                      Clarity in Understanding Object-Oriented Principles.

CO4                      Ability to describe and implement object-oriented concepts.

CO5                      Competency for implementing any C++ programming tasks.

CO6                      Proficient enough to understand any object-oriented language.

CO7                      Confidence to exhibit the acquired concepts in terms of the seminar, group discussion,                                        and programming challenges.  

CO8                      To learn how containment and inheritance promote code reuse in C++.


Course Description

The syllabus has been designed to develop linguistic and communicative competence of undergraduate students.

In the classes, the focus is on the skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking divided under the four categories of Prose, Poetry, Vocabulary and Grammar. The teacher also asks questions to stimulate classroom discussion and based on these discussions the students will be made to write short paragraphs /essays, participate in group discussions as part of continuous assessment.