Final Semester

CO-1      Student would be able to become familiar with - the analysis of variance technique;

CO-2      Distinguish between one-way analysis of variance model and two-way analysis of variance model.

CO-3      Understand the experimental design; explain the planning and classification of experimental designs;     describe the principles of design of experiments; explain the completely randomized design; describe the layout of CRD.

CO-4      Understand the randomized block design; describe the layout of RBD; explain the statistical analysis of  RBD.

CO-5      Understand the Latin square design; describe the layout of LSD; explain the statistical analysis of LSD.

CO-6       Explain the sources of data in vital statistics; calculate various vital rates; explain the procedure of construction of life table; and appreciate the applications and limitations of life tables.

CO-7      Understand oncept of Index numbers. Learn simple and weighted index numbers

CO-8      State the functions of important statistical agencies in India; and provide an international perspective of statistical data.


After  the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO 1: Solve the algebraic and transcendental equations using bisection method, method of false position and Newton-Raphson method.

CO 2 : Apply Iterative and Newton-Raphson method for nonlinear equations.

CO 3: Apply Newton’s formula for equal intervals to evaluate the interpolation polynomial.

CO 4: Evaluate the functional value by using Lagrange interpolation for unequal intervals.

CO 5: Evaluate differention using difference method.

CO 6: Evaluate numerical integration by Newton Cote’s method.

CO 7: Evaluate the numerical solution of ODE by direct substitution.

CO 8: Evaluate the numerical solution of ODE by tabulated values.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: Demonstrate the importance of study of web technologies

CO 2: Able to develop a webpage

CO 3: Create web pages using Cascading Style Sheets.

CO 4: Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript  

CO 5: Understand various events and java database connectivity

CO 6: Able to find out what web audience & develop web pages accordingly

CO 7: Able to understand servlets

CO 8: Apply course knowledge in higher studies, real time situations