Final Semester

Course Objectives:

This course aims to introduce students to Use operations research techniques for effective decisions–making, Model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this course, a student should be able to

 CO 1- Identify and express a decision-making problem in mathematical form.

CO 2 - Solve an LPP graphically and by Simplex method,

 CO 3 - Learn duality and to obtain primal solutions from a dual LPP

CO 4 - Recognize and formulate transportation, assignment problems and drive their optimal solution.

CO 5 – Learn to solve job sequencing problems.

CO 6 - Implement practical cases, by using TORA


  • Encourage students to develop web pages
  • A clear understanding of elements required to develop web pages
  • This course will allow the users to apply carious cascading styles
  • To make them understand different page layout issues, design issues etc…
  • To provide good basics of JavaScript

COURSE OUTCOMES: By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: demonstrate the importance of study of web technologies

CO 2: Able to develop a webpage

CO 3: Create web pages using Cascading Style Sheets.

CO 4: Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript  

CO 5: Understand various events and java database connectivity

CO 6: Able to find out what web audience & develop web pages accordingly

CO 7: able to understand servlets

CO 8: apply course knowledge in higher studies, real time situations

  The objective of the course is to provide students with an overview of the concepts and fundamentals of data communication and computer networks. To familiarize with the basic taxonomy and terminology in computer networks.
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

 CO 1: To master the terminologies and concepts in networks
 CO 2: Potential to understand the contemporary issues in networking technologies.
 CO 3: To acquire knowledge on network tools and master network programming. 
 CO 4: Study the basic principles used in different modulation and switching techniques.
 CO 5: Gain the core idea of ISO OSI layered architecture.
 CO 6: Understand the need of flow and error control in data communication.

 Course Objectives


Apply integration to evaluate work done, area and volume of a vector field.


Analyze gradient, divergence and curl to evaluate the differentiation over a vector field.


 Course Outcomes


After  the completion of the course the student will be able to


Apply single integration to find the work done of the vector field.


Evaluate surface area using double integration


Determine the volume of the given vector field using triple integral.


Find partial derivatives and Taylor’s series to multivariable functions.


Apply gradient operator to convert a scalar field into a vector filed


Analyze  vector fields and compute divergence and curl

Course Outcomes:

              Student would be able to become familiar with - the analysis of variance technique;

CO1       Distinguish between one-way analysis of variance model and two way analysis of variance                    model.

CO2       Understand the experimental design; explain the planning and classification of experimental                designs; describe the principles of design of experiments; explain the completely                                  randomized design; describe the layout of CRD.

CO3       Understand the randomized block design; describe the layout of RBD; explain the statistical                  analysis of RBD.

CO4       Understand the Latin square design; describe the layout of LSD; explain the statistical                            analysis of LSD.

CO5        Explain the importance of ‘statistical data’ as an input for developmental planning; describe                 the National Statistical System in India that has evolved over time.

CO6        Specify the data collected  on select aspects of the economy like population and vital                           statistics, agricultural and industrial statistics and prices.

CO7        State the functions of important statistical agencies in India; and provide an international                     perspective of statistical data.

CO8        Explain the sources of data in vital statistics; calculate various vital rates; explain the                               procedure of construction of life table; and appreciate the applications and limitations of                     life tables.