Osmania University has designed the syllabus of Conversational English as part of Communicative English for B.A (Vocational ) class, keeping in view the real challenges students face in the job market and in building a career for themselves. The incorporation of Conversational English is intended to equip students with the knowledge of different aspects of language such as Dialect, Isogloss, Registers, Styles and Communication patterns, Besides the theoretical aspect, the syllabus also includes practical component in the form of conversations and dialogues. A thorough study of the prescribed topics and participation in the class-room exercises will certainly help students acquire command over the verbal and the non-verbal aspects of communication.

Course Outcomes:


The students will be able to:


CO I. Understand the concept of Dialect – variations in the same language

CO II. Learn about the British and American English – the differences in vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation and grammar.

CO III. Learn about the names by which a linguistic item is identified in two different geographical areas of close proximity

CO IV. Understand the circumstances in which a bilingual switches languages and mixes words from two or three different languages to facilitate better understanding of a situation.

CO V. Distinguish between the formal and the informal styles of communication.

CO VI. Identify the circumstances in which register variations take place.

CO VII. Learn about the evolution of language-both spoken and written- with special reference to written English.

CO VIII. Study Charles Hockette’s design that characterizes human language.

CO IX. Understand the fundamentals of Communication with emphasis on Oral, Written, Audiovisual and Visual communication. 


Dialect, Idiolect, Isogloss, Mutual Intelligibility, Code switching and Code mixing



Styles –formal and informal, Registers and register variations



Language and Communication: Language as a symbolic system, Charles Hockette’s Design



Communication: Oral, Written, Audiovisual and Visual



Dialogue writing: Formal and informal

Conversation: formal and informal

This course offers an overview of the basic concepts of  journalism, along with the necessary tools to understand and discuss their relevance in a fast changing mediated society. Future journalists will
be expected to enter the profession with a "grab bag" of skills across the written, visual and aural modes, and will also be required to be able to produce "packaged" stories for publication on a variety of platforms. The course aims to give practical oriented training to the students to meet the increasing demands for trained personnel to work in diverse areas of Media and Mass communication

Course Outcome: By the end of this course, the student should-

CO1  Students will be able to apply news judgment and rank 10 news stories in order of most newsworthy to least newsworthy and create a production budget for a news publication using that ranking.

CO2  Students will be able to generate five different feature story ideas with focused angles and contact information for at least three possible sources to interview.

CO3 Students will be able to identify issues and problems facing mass media

CO4  Develop the ability to write clear, concise, accurate and interesting news stories 

CO5  Demonstrate basic skills and techniques in newsgathering and news writing

CO6 Judge the newsworthiness of events and ideas and analyze stories for content, form and style

CO7  Gain a wide range of practical experience in basic news coverage

CO8  Demonstrate an understanding of major legal and ethical issues in journalism

Objectives of the study:

·       The study of this unit enables the student to understand  the sacrifices made by  the Indian people at that point of time, and   realize  the importance of  the rights and privileges  they are enjoying today.

·       The study of this unit enables the student to increase the understanding of basic facts of Indian National Movement and constitutional development, including its history, Philosophical, constitutional, legal foundations, leading political values and ideas, institutions, which played  an active role in the Indian National Movement.



Learning outcomes;.

After going through this Module, you  a student  will be able to:


·       Discuss the historical background of the Indian Constitution

describe the Indian Freedom Movement

·       Explain the various important constitutional changes made during the British regime

·        Explain how the Indian Constitution was framed

          describe the various sources of the Indian Constitution


·       For  a  good student,  ,the study of this chapter  will increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their masters degree and PhD in Political Science) or to acquire them  a professional degree( ex; Law).

·       For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, enable him to pass the exam and acquire a degree.