Course overview:
The world of business is a vast and interesting universe. This course aims to develop the student’s theoretical knowledge on the rudiments of business organizations. In this course the student will learn about the basics of business and its services, functioning and importance to an economy, as well as the forms of organizations with specific reference to India. Emphasis would also be placed on joint stock companies and sources of corporate finance. It is the first step to understand the working of the business world and will also be resourceful for similar upcoming courses in higher education.
Course Objectives:
· To gain knowledge about the concepts and forms of business
· To elucidate the broad functions of business organizations
· To understand the working of the joint stock companies
· To grasp the importance and working of stock markets
· To express opinions about business organizations in written and oral form, based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired
· To learn the importance to be updated on the developments of the business world and practice the same.
Course Commitments:
The students of the course are expected to commit themselves towards successful completion. Class participation in terms of attendance, discussions, and contextual conversations are encouraged. Your commitment in class is also a motivation for me, your course facilitator. A subject is only as limited and as interesting as you perceive it to be. To broaden your outlook towards this subject (and certainly all other ones in your program), get creative with your learning to add ‘fun’ in the fundamentals of Business Organization. The lecture sessions will put you in situations of being in the shoes of a businessman or that of a customer. Bring out your answers and insights. Listen to what your fellow mates have to say and encourage them to voice their opinion should you witness hesitation. The course subject being in-trend, regular readings of newspapers and magazines are always a plus since you update yourself on the topics we will be discussing in class. Self-motivation is an important factor, be full of it. The key is to play around with the methods by which you learn.
In order to facilitate the same, a few rules and guidelines have been constructed and you are to abide the same.>> Classroom Rules & Regulations
You must be in class within five minutes of its commencement.
You must set your mobile phones on complete silence at all times during class. Any buzz or sound from the device will lead to immediate confiscation.
You must carry a pen/pencil and a notebook to class enabling ease of taking notes or any important discussion.
The use of mobile phones and any other device is prohibited inside classroom, unless exclusively asked to do so by the course instructor. Not following the here said rule will lead to confiscation of the device being used.
You must read up on the topic to be discussed the next day in class, well in advance to improve learning.
Any other activity/behavior considered beyond the ethos of classroom conduct will lead to immediate dismissal from the class.
- Teacher: ANJALI .