The Instructor:

Mr. K.T.Srinivas, M.A, M.Phil, UGC (NET), APPSC (NET). 

Ø Asst. Professor in Political Science,:

Ø Possess 28 years of teaching experience, teaching History and Political Science for UPSC NDA /CDS aspirants, and other state public service exams. Regularly conducted mock interviews for UPSC jobs in officers Academy, Secunderabad .

Ø Teaching various papers of Political science for Degree students at St.Mary’s   college, yousufguda   since past 16 years.

Ø Formerly HOD of Social sciences department for two terms between 2006 and 2013.

Ø Attended various national seminars in Hyderabad and Bangalore.

Ø Coordinator  of Civil  Service  study circle , at St.Mary’s, from 2017 to till date


Credits: 4

MODULE-6 International Political Economy.


Neo- colonialism: North- South Dialogue; South- South cooperation;



·       Objectives of the study:

·       To help students prepare their concentrations of sub-fields, i.e. Political History, International Political Economy, Regional Studies, International Politics and Security Studies, Public Law, International Law, and Foreign Policy Analysis.

·       To raise them as competent individuals conscious of their ethical responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties.

·       To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

·       To be employed as specialists, managers and entrepreneurs with utmost respect to lifelong learning.


Learning outcomes;

Co1 ;   Demonstrate a broad and deep understanding of international relations

  • CO2 :Know the major analytical and theoretical frameworks regarding international relations employed in political science and related disciplines
  • C03  :Understand international institutions and forces that drive behavior in international relations

 CO4 :Possess the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about international relations

  CO5 :Understand  Neo-colonialism, its growth and its negative

            Effects on the third world countries.

  CO 6 :Understand  the functions and role of world

             Bank , IMF in international relations.

   CO7 : Understand  the merits and demerits of MNCs and the

              Impact of globalization on international relations.


CO8 : For  a  good student,  ,the study of this chapter  will    increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their masters degree and PhD in Political Science

·       For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, enable him to pass the exam and acquire a degree.


Syllabus: International Security:

·       Arms Race, Arms Control, Disarmament.

·        Issues in Nuclear Politics.

·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable the present day student generation the dangerous repercussion of war on humanity.

·       This   chapter  brings  to the notice of the  leaders  of  various  countries, to solve all  their conflicts in an amicable manner , rather than restoring to war, with sophisticated  weapons at their disposal, which threaten  the very human  race .

·       The huge loss to human lives, natural resources during the first and second world wars, brings to the notice to the humanity to curb arms race and protect humanity from destruction.

Learning outcomes;

CO1 : Understand the repercussions of war on humanity and do everything possible to prevent  war, maintain the peace in the world.

        CO2: Recognize issues of social justice, war reparation,       impact of arms manufacturing on a country’s economy etc.

C03  : Understand international wars and forces that drive behavior  towards war in international relations

CO4 : Possess the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about the evil affects of war in international relations.

CO5: For  a  good student, the study of this chapter  will increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their master’s degree and PhD in Political Science).

CO6 : For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, understand  the repercussions of war on humanity, enable him   to  pass the exam and acquire a degree


·       Module–VIII:  Emerging   Areas in International Relations.


·       Environment.


·       Human Rights.


·       Terrorism.


·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable a student to understand the alarming levels of pollution in various countries and find out amicable and feasible solutions to improve the global environment.

·       Understand the problem of Human Rights , how to acquire them, enjoy them and protect them from various encroachments specially in the third world countries

·       Understand the problem of Terrorism, its types, reasons contributing to the increase in terrorist outfits, remedies to eradicate terrorism from the world.


·       Learning outcomes;


CO1: To raise them as competent individual’s conscious of their ethical responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties, to protect the environment, promote ecological stability.

CO2: To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

C03  :Understand international problems like environment  and terrorism that drive behavior  of  states  towards instability  in international relations

CO4 : Possess the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about the evil affects of environmental degradation  and terrorist activities  in international relations.

CO5:For  a  good student,  ,the study of this chapter  will increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their masters degree and PhD in Political Science) .

CO6 : For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, enable him   to  pass the exam and acquire a degree



Module-IX: Foreign Policy.

·       Foreign policy - Determinants.

·       India’s foreign policy.

·       Non- Alignment-Relevance.

·       Objectives of the study:

·       Enable a student to understand the determinants that go in making the foreign policy of a Country.

·       Enable a Student to understand by different countries have different foreign policies. A student learns that every country is governed by its national interest, when it is preparing its foreign policy.

·       Enables the student to understand the Non- Alignment policy adopted by India and about 120 other countries in the world, and how this policy contributed to peace in the bipolar world.

·       Learning outcomes;

CO1: To make them understand the relevance of foreign policy for the country and also to its citizens.

CO2:  To help students prepare for successful careers in the academy, national and international institutions (public, private and/or non-profit), non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, and the media.

C03  : Understand Indian foreign policy that drive them to

Understand the behavior of other states towards ensuring stability in international relations

CO4  : Possess the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about the role played by the  Indian Foreign  policy in international relations.


CO5 : For  a  good student, the study of this chapter  will increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their master’s degree and PhD in Political Science) .

CO6  : For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, enable him   to pass the exam and acquire a degree.



Module X.  India’s Bilateral Relations.

·       India and Major Powers (USA and USSR).

·       India and Neighbouring countries (China and Pakistan).

Objectives of the study:

·       Enables    the student   to understand India’s bilateral relations with super powers and its neighbours.

·       In this globalised world every Indian citizen must be aware of our country’s foreign policy with other countries.

·       This topic is very useful for students planning to pursue their masters’ degree in some foreign university or to get a job in a foreign country.

·       The student   can also be aware of the positive contribution made by the India to the world at large.


Learning outcomes.

CO1: To help students to understand how the Indian foreign policy enable to cultivate better relations with Russia.

CO2 : To help students to understand Indian foreign policy especially in relation to USA to  prepare for successful careers and higher studies in USA.

CO3 : To help students to understand Indian foreign policy especially in relation to Russia to  prepare for successful careers and higher studies in Russia .

CO4 : The student can explore the various job opportunities available in UNO and other regional organizations.

 CO5  : For  a  good student,  ,the study of this chapter  will increase  awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree  in Political Science, its utility in securing  jobs in public and private sectors, and also  equip them in their future education(  to pursue their master’s degree and PhD in Political Science).

 CO6  :  For an average student, the study will be helpful to be a better citizen, enable him   to pass the exam and acquire a degree.


Books  Recommended:

1)   Appadorai and Rajan ,M.S(eds) (1985)  India’s  Foreign Policy and Relations : South Asian Publishers, New Delhi.

2)   Vinay Kumar Melhotra ,(2002). International Relations: Anmol

Publications Pvt. Limited.

3)   Prakash Chandra  and Prem Arora, International Relations,

Cosmos Book hives.