Academic year 2019 - 20
Semester(s) Semester III
Course code &Title BC301 Principles of Insurance THPW  : 2 HRS             CREDITS: 2 Marks : 50
Instructor P.Harini 
Course format Different teaching and learning pedagogies will be used to enhance learning
Course Description To understand the concept of Insurance and Re insurance and Risk Management techniques by insurers (Individuals and Organizations)

Course Outcome Co1. To provide the basic knowledge of insurance in economic development and social security. Co2. Understanding Common and Specific terms used in Insurance and knowing the Customer Behaviour, their importance and their satisfacation levels. Co3.  Understanding the approach to Risk Management through Risk identification, Risk measurement and Risk Management. Co4. To know the different types of Insurance that the customer chooses. Co5. To learn the various products offered under Life Insurance and General Insurance,various risks involved and its coverage. C06.  To learn the terms and various Principles of Insurance contracts.